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Dan's POV

"Phil, you invited me here because you wanted me to control you... yeah?" Asks Chris as Phil nods.

"That's right Chris." He replies as I start to tense up. It is almost time.

"Dan, no need to worry... I hope the pain won't hurt you too much." Says Chris as he sits down in the criss cross apple sauce way with a book with something written in it.

"Now, Phil.. you may begin." Chris say as I fist my hands, preparing for impact.

My eyes are clenched closed together as I feel Phil's breathe in my neck whilst his fangs are slightly brushing against my skin making me shiver. If someone other than Phil touches my neck.. they would be dead.

"I love you Dan." Was the last words I heard before I felt a sharp thing poke me in my neck.

Phil's POV

"I love you Dan." I say and force my fangs into his skin as he shivers. Sending my venom throught his veins and drinking a little blood of his is such a pleasure.

"PHIL STOP!" I was shooken away from Dan as I open my eye.

"Oh.. I am sorry Chris." I say. Apparently he has been yelling my name, but I was too focused on Dan. I stand beside Chris watching Dan twitch.

"PHIL! HELP ME!" I hear him moan in hurt as I turn away, making my back facing his side.

"OR JUST KILL ME! IT HURTS PHIL! It hurts." He screams as I turn slowly seeing his new fangs grow slowly.

"Oh sh*t! I forgot about his food!" Screams Chris as I shake my head.

"No worries, I have it in my bag. I have about 5 bottles of human blood... I think that should do." I say as Dan continues to scream such horrible things.

*After about half and hour*

"Phil!" I heard Chris call as I see Dan's eyes open, searching for food. I run to my bag and take the bottles.

"Dan, dan... here." I say as his eyes land on mine.

"Phil?" He moans getting a bottle from me.

"Drink that... I think that will quit your hunger." I say as he drains the liquid.

*After about a hour or so*

Chris just left the house, and Dan is asleep now. Yeah, we vampires don't sleep... but it is Dan's first day... so... for one week straight he will be sleeping.

"I love you so much Phil, you know that right?" I heard Dan whisper making me look his way.

"I know Dan. I love you more." I whisper back and lay back down with him, making him cuddle with me.

"I am not sleepy anymore." He says as I turn around to see his face.


"I want to go outside." He says as I laugh.

"It's so late... what are you wanting to do outside this late?" I ask as he sits up.

"Oh oh! I know! We can sneak in Anna's hospital room and hang out with her?" He suggests as I sit up.

"Sounds good enough for me." I say and put my shoes.

"Can we fast walk there? I really want to see how well I can manage all of my powers." He asks me with the best pout ever.

"Umm.... sure?" I say not really sure of anything.

"You seem a little hesistant? What's the matter?" Dan asks, all ready to do this.

"It's nothing, let's go." I say as we slowly and quietly sneak out.

*After about 5 minutes.*

"Are you ready Dan?" I ask as we take our positions.

"I was born ready Phil." He says as we take off. Before we know it, we are outside Anna's room and saw the light turned on.

"That was.... AWESOME!" Dan screams as I motion him to keep quiet.

"Dan, look! Anna's light is on!" I whisper as his eye widens.

"But, Anna is such a heavy sleeper! She needs to have the light turned off, and it is so damn late compared to how early she sleeps." Dan states as I nod.

"Come on, let's go check on her." I say as we climb the window's bars.

"Shhh Dan, stop groaning." I say and as we both peek through the window...

"*Gasp*" Dan gasps as I cover both of our mouths.

"I've always liked you Anna, knowing your past made me like you more." We see Thomas and Anna speaking.

Thomas is the schooll's biggest nerd, geek. But his looks, no one would never expect him to be a nerd. He is as good looking as out school's jocks. Many girls drool over him despite how nerdy and geeky he is. But... I still can't digest the fact that Thomas likes Anna... I mean... yeah. It's a little shocking.

"ANNA!" Dan screams getting in the room, causing them to pull out of their little kissing session.

"Dan? Phil?" Thomas smiles, putting his hand for us to shake. As I was about to shake it, Dan smacks his hands.

"What the bloody hell are you doing here Thomas?" Dan asks, anger clear in his words. Sooo, this is why I had a really uneasy feeling.

"Dan! What is wrong? Why are you acting weird all of a sudden?" Anna asks, as Dan rolls his eyes. Thomas and I are just stood there... doing nothing but staring at their argument.

"Are you serious Anna? THIS IS RIDICULOUS! How can you like someone like Thomas?" He asks as Thomas smiles.

"Mate, he is talking bad about you... and you are smiling?" I whisper to Thomas as he smiles even more.

"Dan is still anger." He states as I raise my eye brows in question.

"I stole his gameboy in elementary school, and I proved that it was mine not his... I think he is still anger." He says as I laugh.

"WHAT'S THERE TO LAUGH PHIL?" I heard Dan scream, causing me to laugh more.

"You are anger at Thomas just because he stole your gameboy?" I say once I am done with my laughter. Dan relaxes as everyone starts laughing... including Dan.

"I loved my gameboy. Come on. But then, do you still have it Thomas?" Dan asks as Thomas nods.

"Yes I do. I have it safely in my cupboard." He says as we all smile finally without any anger or any negative feelings.

"I am really happy for you guys, I hope I didn't ruin anything."

"Well, you ruined our little moment. I am just kidding Dan.. it's fine." And that's how we started talking random crap.


Hiya! :D I have no idea whatsoever to write... so... I am deleting this book... sorry guys... Goodbye :)

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