Chapter 6

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Phil's POV

"Before that." He said as he raised his head.

"yeah?" I said as a tear slipped from his right eye. How I wish I could just hug him, kiss that tear away.

"I'm sorry, I... I was just... just angry that you guys have a thing and didn't tell me sooner." He said as I sigh. He thinks I am dating Anna? But before I could think anything else, he hugs me making me forget what I am doing right now. I take a little while to process this through my brain. I think he thought I am never going to hug him back, but he was wrong. When he was about to release... I hugged him back. 

Dan's POV

I can't believe Anna went through all that just to protect me from getting bullied. All Anna is a really good friend while I am judging her beside her back. I mean if I were in her situation, I would rather change schools and live a happy life.

"Doctor! What happened to Anna?" I heard Phil yell as I shoot up from my seat.

"Anna... as you know, got her uterus removed. But, the doctor didn't complete his job properly. Where did you take her?" He said as my eyes widened. 

"To *other hospital name*" Anna's mum replied as a tear slipped on all of our eyes.

"The doctors there are not real doctors! They got fake IDs and Oh my lord." He said as I stare at him blankly.

"What happened doctor!" I scream, the suspence killing me. 

"Anna's uterus tore apart. The stitches I mean, they came out. Meaning the organ to let loose, letting her bleed." The doctor says as my eyes widens even more. How can this happen to such a girl like Anna? Did she do a sin that was worth all this? I can't even think-

"ANNA!" I heard her mum scream as he fell down. Within seconds, phil was there holding her. But I thought he was standing beside me? How can someone be that fast?

"Mrs. Smith? Mrs. Smith!" I hear Phil try waking her up. Quickly the doctor asked phil to place her in the chair beside. As helpful I was, I just stood there in the corner looking at all this things happening, making my process as slow as internet explorer. 

"Dan! Don't just stand there! Help us!" I heard Phil scream as I looked at him, his beautiful face looking at me as the sunlight broke through the window. I saw something weird about him. His... his hair was little brown.


"I love your hair color Phil! Pure black? That's so cool!" I said as he laughed.

" Why thank you." He said blushing a little. 

I thought he hair color was pure black? Why is it light brown now? 

"ANNA!" I heard someone scream, to see her mum scream. 

"It's alright mum, relax." I say finally moving my legs, walking towards her. She sobs hugging me and falls asleep. I sit down, laying her head on my laps looking at her. 

I have caused her so much pain, it's because me that she is here, with her daughter in the emergency ward fighting to live. I look down at her and see a frown, a really really sad frown plastered in her face. A tear slips away, making me reliaze that I am crying. But the tear didn't land on her face... instead on Phil's palm. 

"Phil?" I whisper as he puts his fingers in my lips, brushing it slightly.

"Keep quiet Dan. Mrs. Smith may wake up. It's your duty to let her sleep peacefully." He says as I nod. 

"Dan? Phil?" We heard our names as we looked around to finally land on the doctor.

"We've operated Anna, and she seems fine. The only thing is that she must not move for a month, if she does... then her life would be in risk and even if we try hard enough... we wouldn't see her again. You may go see her and she can be discharged any time after a week. That's about it, press the big red button if you need anything from me. Take care lads." He says and walks away. I look at Phil, as he smiles at me... his tongue twirling like a weirdo... but I like it. 

"Mum, mum?" I wake her slowly as he opens her eyes.

"Dan?" She asks. I think she forgot why she was here.

"We can go and see how Anna is doing." Phil says as her lips form a big curvy smile. 

"What are we wating for Let's go!" She says, excitement clear in her voice. Mum is such a child when it comes to things that she likes. 

We walk in such silence, as it is quietly killing me (A/N OH MY GOSH! I didn't even notice there was a pun there! Wow. #PunNotIntended.) We walk, what seems for enternity... finally reaching on the room Anna. I stand outside, a thinking little about how I am going to face Anna. She has scarified her life for me. The school's gay loser. She did it for me, not phil, not her mum, not herself... but me.

"Go on ahead Dan. You should go see her first." Says mum as Phil nods. I take a deep breathe in pulling the door open, I see Anna. Sleeping like an angel in disguise. Even though she has a oxygen tank and colorful tubes attached to her, she looks like a princess. 

"Anna, I am sorry for what I have caused you. I know I was the reason why Zak did this terrible thing. I also heard you can't do it again, you can't give birth, feel how it feels. Phil told me everything. I am so sorry. This is all because of me. If you didn't be my friend in the first place, you would be such a perfect human being." I say tears read to pour out. 

"Dan." I heard my name from her mouth, a little whimper. I sit on the chair beside the bed, putting my ear right next to her mouth. 

"Idiot." She mumbles as we laugh together, my laughter echoing through the small room while hers vanish as soon as they come out of her mouth. 

"It... It is my fate. No one can help this, except god. You say I can't have sex. Well, I already did it with Zak... and I don't wanna ever experience that pain again, so.. I am good. I can't give birth, but we have a lot of orphanages in here, when I grow feel like having a child... I can just adopt a child from here. I am still perfect. Don't you think?" She says trying to strike a pose, failing terribly.

"I do actually. I love you Anna." I say as I hug her tightly but very carefully. 

*I am sorry, this chapter sucked a$$... SORRY! :( I will try writing more of Phan pheels in the next chapter. I am trying my very best to make this story as real as possible. I mean, I understand this is named as a Phan fic... but guess what... I want to write a real story, and I want Phan to be a REAL book's character. Sure, I wrote about 9 to 10 books in wattpad... but this is my fave so far because this book got 35 read and 3 votes within the 24th hour of me uploading the first 2 chapters. Luff y'all and I would love to meet every single one of you in person... if I could... I would. Stay awesome just like you are now... Byeee!* 

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