First Chapter

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Saturday 10th July
City Road

Hayden slowed down as the glow of the old, rusting traffic light turned a blood like red. The teen cursed as his eyes traveled to the surrounding lanes, looking for an opening; the different makes and colours of the cars blended into one like watercolours in a painting. Realising there was nowhere for him to go, Hayden turned his attention to the scenery. Above him, the crenulated teeth of skyscrapers cut into the ashen clouds like a knife. The dusky clouds spread around the horizon like scars on skin, a constant, unforgettable reminder of pain and triumph for its victim. Sparing a glance at the traffic light and seeing no change, Hayden shifted his gaze to a BMW parked next to him. He watched as an old man started out of the window. His face was cracked like forgotten pottery that told the tale of thousands of regrets. Hayden watched as the man's lips moved constantly and soundlessly, chewing on an emptiness of speech.

"Hurry!" Hayden hissed, the bitter wind tore through his riding gear and skin like a gale. It chilled his bones and turned his skin to ice; and caused violent shivers to erupt from his body.
A sigh of relief escaped Hayden's lips as the blood red was replaced once again with the amber glow that caused the cars around him to move.
Hayden quickly kicked up his kickstand and revved his bike before he started moving. Hayden instantly saw an opening in the next lane. He quickly checked it was safe and revved his bike once more and inserted himself into the lane. Hayden sped ahead, past the car that was previously in front of him, before checking and slipping back into his former lane.

Smith's restaurant

Hayden quickly drove into the closest parking space and kicked his kickstand down. He then turned his key, removed it from the ignition and place it in his pocket. He continued to take his phone from its holder and slip it into his pocket. Hayden then got off of his bike and walked inside.

Once he stepped inside, he was sprayed with a blistering warmth that unfroze his blood and bones.

The entrance was grand, with a large crystal chandelier hung in the middle of the room. The walls were plastered in a pristine white wallpaper. At the right side of the room. There was a young woman standing beside a desk, looking intently at her computer screen. Near the back of the room, on the same side, was completely open. From his position, Hayden could see multiple tables. On the left-hand side, a double door that led to the bathroom spanned the wall.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

Hayden's attention quickly shifted from his surroundings to the woman behind the desk, who had abandoned her computer and was watching him intently. She had a bright smile on her face that looked too big to be natural.

"Hi, the rest of my family is here. Would it be alright if I just find them?" Hayden questioned as he flashed the woman a small smile.

"Of course. Do you know where they're sitting?" The woman questioned as he twirled a strand of her auburn hair that had escaped from her ponytail. "I can help you find them if you want."

"Thank you, but I'm sure I'll find them," Hayden assured, smiling once again at the woman. He tried to ignore her eyes that were trailing around his body.

"If you're sure," she said, her smile shortening slightly. "If you change your mind, don't hesitate to come back."

"I won't, don't worry," Hayden responded. He walked faster than before towards the dining area of the restaurant.

The second he passed the invisible barrier and entered the dining room, he immediately felt underdressed. The room was filled with an extravagant array of dresses that brightened the room and expensive jewelry that reflected and refracted from the blinding rays of sunlight coming from the extensive glass windows.
A sigh of relief passed Hayden's lips as he noticed most men and teenagers in the building could not even compete with the magnificent, exquisite and enchanting dresses of their sisters, mothers and wives.

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