Eighteenth Chapter

132 2 0

Saturday 21st February
Motor way

For the last handful of days; the families, besides Hayden, had visited a handful of homes that were well within their price range. Despite this, there was always something one kid disliked about the place, whether it be the small garden or not enough bedrooms for each of them. Hayden would have given anything to go with them, however his college studies alongside his late work hours caused him to be unable to join his family.

This time, however, with it being the weekend and Hayden not having a lecture that day or work, the family left earlier than usual.

The bright smile on Hayden's face was covered by his helmet as he cast a glance behind him before he slipped into another lane. Hayden fought the urge to drive faster, but a mix of him not knowing the location, having to follow his father and knowing the large lecture he'd get if he reached his normal speed, just a couple of numbers above the speed limit, not a lot, but enough for a passing police officer to pull him over.

Hayden revved his bike to pass the handful of cars in the other lane that had gotten in between him and his father at the last intersection before he forced himself into the lane, right behind his dad's car.

With Hayden's muscle memory shortening his concentration, Hayden breathed a sigh of relief when he saw his dad pulled into the side lane that took them off of the motorway.

Hayden quickly cast another glance over his shoulder. Despite another car approaching fast, Hayden risked it, knowing the size and speed of his bike will mean the driver won't have to slow down.

Hayden quickly revved his bike and cast one last glance. Seeing it about 65 yards away, he inserted himself into that lane and instantly revved again to speed up and close the widening gap.

After they left the motorway, Hayden was thankful for the icy wind that made sure he stayed focused.

Ten minutes later, Hayden continued tailing his father's car as they pull into the driveway of a large white-brick house. Hayden's eyes widened as he pulled up next to his dad's car and the real-estate agent. He put his kickstand down. Hayden then took his keys out of the ignition and put them in his pocket as he got off of his bike.

"This place is amazing!" Kaylee gushed as she got out of the passenger side of the car.

Hayden hummed in agreement as he removed his helmet and placed it onto his bike.

"Do you think that'll be safe here?" Hayden gestured to his helmet as Josh walked over to the siblings.

"It should be," Josh assured, as he turned towards the road as another car pulled up.

"Do you want to wait for the others, or should we get started?" The real-estate agent asked as she attempted to flatten the hair that had fallen out of her tight ponytail.

"I would like to wait, if you don't mind." The woman reluctantly nodded with an unpleasant look on her face as the noticeable lump in her hair sprung back up when she took her hand away.

Hayden nudged Kaylee's side as the young girl started giggling.

"Be respectful," Josh mumbled harshly enough to get a glare from his daughter.

"Do you know how long the other party will take to get here? I have other clients I'd like to see today." The estate-agent cast an impatient look at her gold plated watch that had Hayden rolling his eyes.

"Subtle right?" Hayden whispered in his sister's ear; who fell into a fit of giggles.

"I'll see if I can get in touch with her." Josh took his phone out of his pocket and moved a couple of steps away.

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