Twenty Forth Chapter

114 4 0

Sunday 12th April
Johnson/Collins home

Hayden woke to an arm wrapped around his stomach and Bridgette's head laying on his chest. A smile formed on his face as Bridgette's grip on his shoulder increased slightly. Her words from the previous night kept playing through Hayden's head like a never-ending echo. Love. As soon as she said it, Hayden instantly felt that he felt the same but... Now he had gotten over the shock, he started to question it. He knew he cared deeply for her. He knew that the constant worries about her that had plagued his mind the last month made him feel stronger towards his girlfriend. But he wasn't sure he could call it love.

He remembered what happened hours ago. When Bridgette woke him, crying and shaking slightly. She didn't have to ask to sleep beside him. Hayden instantly moved aside and cradled her in his arms as she cried lightly. He couldn't make out her incoherent mumbles, but he didn't focus on that.

After Bridgette had calmed down, neither of them even suggested her leaving. They both just moved into a comfortable position and fell back asleep.

Hayden yawned and gave himself a moment to wake up completely before he attempted to get out of bed without waking Bridgette. Thankfully, he succeeded. Hayden shivered as he unplugged his phone from it's charger and grabbed it off of the nightstand. Once that was done, Hayden changed his shirt into a baggier and longer one before he walked out and closed the door quietly behind him.

Hayden made his way downstairs. He only stopped at the bathroom to do his business.

Being the only one awake, Hayden just grabbed a glass of water and a protean bar before he made his way towards the living room; he turned on the TV and lowered the volume before switching to a different channel.

Half an hour later

"Hayde?" a quiet voice spoke.

Hayden turned towards the voice and smiled at the twins as they both came closer and sat on the couch beside him.

"We're hungry!" Sophia complained. She grabbed his hand and tried to pull him up.

Hayden sighed before he turned the TV off and stood up.

"What do you want?" Hayden started to walk to the kitchen with the twins smiling happily as they trailed behind him.

"Cheerios!" Skylar yelled 

Hayden turned and kneeled in front of her with a disapproving look/

"Everyone's asleep, don't yell. Use your inside voice, okay?" Hayden said sternly, his voice softened at the end.

"Sorry... But can we have Cheerios?" Skylar asked quietly as she fiddled with the end of her nightie.

"Of course you can. What kind?" Hayden stood back up and continued walking with Skylar towards the kitchen. Sophia was already there, having kept walking while Hayden was warning her twin.

"Chocolate, so does Sophia," Skylar said as she started skipping towards the kitchen.

"Well, why don't we check with Sophia just to make sure she hasn't changed her mind?" Hayden suggested as they walked into the kitchen.

"Sophia!" Hayden said sternly. The young girl quickly turned towards him. A pool of chocolate cheerios surrounded her as she stood on the counter with an innocent look. "How'd you even get up there?" Hayden asked as he came over and lifted her down.

Sophia pointed towards the bar stool that was pushed next to the counter with an adamant look. Meanwhile, Skylar had taken the chance to try to grab the cereal box for herself, only to stop when she saw the look Hayden was sending her.

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