Second Chapter

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As he made his way up the stairs, Hayden's nerves and guilt bit away at his composure and left him with an unbearable ache. After reaching his door, Hayden placed his hand on the freezing metal handle and it seemed to take all of his energy to push open the only remaining thing in between him and the undoubtable pain that would follow.

Stepping into his room, a chilling breeze caused goosebumps to form on his skin. Hayden walked over and shut his window, before taking his wallet and keys from his jacket and placing them into their drawer in his nightstand, before taking his phone and placing it on his desk as he passed it. Hayden then took his jacket off and placed it on the back of his chair. Hayden then sat on his bed and took his shoes off, and placed them on the floor.

With nothing left to do, Hayden quickly grabbed his phone, unlocked it and clicked on Bridgette's contact. He sent her a text, explaining that he might get his phone taken away and telling her not to text him, unless he starts the conversation. After he sent that text, he also opened Carter's contact and messaged him, saying if his dad called, he was at his all of last night.

"Put the phone down now!"

Hayden jumped slightly and instantly looked up and saw his dad standing in the doorway. He looked more mad than he did earlier and his brown eyes were gairing intently at him.

"Yes, Sir," Hayden responded. He quickly sent the text and switched his phone completely off before returning it to it's previous place. While he was doing that, Josh came and sat beside Hayden, he never took his eyes off of his son as he did.

"I want you to explain exactly what happened last night," Josh started carmly. Hayden saw the anger in his eyes.

"Erm, well...I met a couple of friends at Carter's place, his parents and little brother are visiting his grandma, so there was no one to disturb us. Erm, I just lost track of time and I was really tired, so I ended up falling asleep," Hayden lied.

"Okay...Why didn't you answer anyone's calls or texts? Kaylee was crying last night, she was terrified something had happened to you. One text, just telling me where you were and I wouldn't have minded you staying the night at Carter's," Josh calmly explained.

"I left my phone in my jacket pocket and didn't hear it when it rang. I was really tired and fell asleep at like five and I'd just woken up when I called you," Hayden explained, as he fiddled with his fingers.

"So you're telling me, you went to your friends to spend time with them. Then you fell asleep and for whatever reason, they didn't wake you up to tell you it was getting late, or that your phone was ringing?"

"They didn't know I had a curfew, my phone was in my jacket downstairs, they mustn't have heard it," Hayden lied again, as he kept his eyes locked on his father's.

"Okay-" Josh began, after a moment's pause. "Now I want you to explain why you thought that you could drive all day yesterday without your helmet?"

Hayden looked in confusion at the change in topic but nodded slightly, before answering. "I was going to be late for college and I didn't think about grabbing my helmet, I just left. I realised when I'd already left and I would have been late if I turned back," Hayden said truthfully.

"Listen to me Hayden. I would rather you be five minutes late to college then go get a call saying you'd cracked your head open, or gotten injured because you'd forgotten your helmet. I understand that yesterday you fell asleep and you didn't expect to, or could have helped it. As much as I want to believe your story, about you leaving it downstairs, I just can't, you wouldn't have just left it there. But since I have no proof, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt," Josh explained, his eyes not leaving Hayden's.

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