Nineteenth Chapter

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Wednesday 25th February
College Campus

Hayden had spent the majority of his time at home finishing his reading for the essay that was due in two days. He only had one book remaining to read and the essay to write. Hayden was still unsure about his dads and Oliva's decision about the house they viewed the previous Saturday. Since the beginning of the week, both Natalie and the twins' preschool being off for the week, however, Faith's primary school was off the following week.

Hayden had spent the half an hour he was in his lecture trying to concentrate. For some reason he couldn't get the material in his head and his notes looked more like Skylar's colouring than readable notes. In the time he wasn't wringing ineligible notes, Hayden found himself fiddling with his pen, his lecturer's words about policies going over his head.

Hayden didn't miss the annoyed glares his lecturer sent him every time his eyes landed on his distracted form.

By the time Hayden was packing his notebook in his bag, he had nothing usable and another essay due the following week on the day's topic.

"A word Johnson?" His lecturer asked as she peered at him through her small spectacles that were perched on her bony nose.

"Of course, Ma'am." Hayden suppressed a sigh. He threw his backpack over his shoulder and made his way up to the elders desk at the front of the room.

"You seemed a little- how do I put this... Unfocused today? I don't want your inability to concentrate to affect the quality of your work." She peered at him with her beady brown eyes.

"I took enough notes. I'm sure I'll understand the topic in time to complete the essay," Hayden lied.

His lecturer gave him a doubtful look.

"Okay. I expect this essay to be the same high quality I expect from you. I suggest you focus, I know it's getting quite far into the year and you've had two years of me, but please concentrate more. I don't want you to ruin your grades this late into this course." She lifted her glasses off of her nose to let them hang on the golden chain.

"It won't... I've just got a lot on my mind today, it won't affect my essays," Hayden promised as he shifted from foot to foot.

"Make sure it doesn't; you've done incredibly well this year and you've made an almost unbelievable improvement to be one of the best in this class. Don't let yourself down now."

"It won't, Ma'am." Hayden repeated.

She nodded and gestured to the door.

"You can go now."

Hayden nodded and made his way outside. The place was packed with students' arms filled with various folders that wouldn't fit in their bags. Most walked quickly and brushed past people as they rushed like ants to their lecture halls.

Instead of going home and facing the rest of the day with Oliva, Hayden stayed in front of the building. He took his phone out of his pocket and hesitated. He remained that way for a moment before he opened Bridgette's contact and pressed the call button.

Hayden contemplated hanging up, but before he could, Bridgette's voice rang through the phone

"Hey," Bridgette said happily.

"Hi," Hayden said quietly.

"Should I even ask how you're feeling?" Bridgette said.

"Let's put it this way. I'm calling you to avoid leaving college. I don't want to deal with Oliva and I know where I'll end up if I don't go home. I don't want to break down today." Hayden sighed.

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