Sixth Chapter

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Hayden was asleep for two hours after jetlag caught up to him. After everyone had woken up, Josh had the idea of going to the pool as it was only four pm. After spending two hours at the pool, they all went back to their hotel room and got changed out of their swimming clothes and into nighttime ones. The families then went out for a meal that resulted in the twins throwing a tantrum because they didn't serve macaroni and cheese and them being taken back to the hotel by Oliva alongside the rest of her children. This left Josh, Hayden and Kaylee to spend the night exploring the area and stopping at multiple child-friendly bars, where they lost track of time and didn't get back until one in the morning. After getting changed again, Hayden quickly fell asleep, with the echo of loud music coming from the main floor.

Tuesday 27th July
8:57 am
Hotel room

"Morning." Hayden smiled as Josh walked into the kitchen.

"How long have you been up?" Josh asked as Hayden lent against the counter and took a sip of his water,

"Not long; around half an hour," Hayden said. "I'm surprised you slept through the twins' screaming match," Hayden added as he shook his head.

"I guess I drank a little too much last night," Josh said with a chuckle. "So, is everyone else up?"

"Everyone but Natalie, I think. Kaylee's in the shower or getting dressed and Faith is helping Oliva with the twins. Oliva was thinking we could do out for breakfast and she wanted to talk to you about something," Hayden supplied and placed his empty cup into the sink. "Oh, and we need to go shopping. I am not drinking water for the next two weeks," Hayden said, with a disgusted look.

"You're not drinking them energy drinks ether," Josh countered with a stern look.

"Why not! Come on Dad, we'll be out until one in the morning and probably up at sunrise because of the twins! I need energy." Hayden gave Josh a pleading look.

"Then you'll just have to drink coffee like the rest of us," Josh said sternly.

"You know I don't like coffee-"

"Hayden-" Josh interrupted. "Stop acting like a child. You are not getting those drinks and that's the end, find Oliva and tell her I'm awake," Josh ordered.

"Yes Sir." Hayden walked out and headed towards Faith's room.

He knocked on the door and waited until he got a response before opening it. The second he did, he felt two arms wrap around his legs, accompanied by a shout of his name.

"Morning you." Hayden smiled as he lifted Skylar into his arms.

"Help! Mummy's putting the icky stuff on me!" Skylar screamed.

"Put her down," Oliva ordered with a glare. "What do you want Hayden?" She spat as Hayden placed a screaming Skylar down.

"My dad's awake. He just wanted me to let you know." Hayden watched as Oliva picked Skylar up and carried her towards Faith's bed, which had a towel placed over it and a bottle of sun cream on the nightstand.

"Well, tell him I'm a little busy right now, and take Sophia with you," Oliva ordered, as she held her screaming daughter as Faith applied more of the cream.

"Yes ma'am. Do you want to come and play?" Hayden kneeled down and offered his hand to the girl, who was watching him curiously.

Sophia nodded and took Hayden's outstretched hand.

Without sparing another glance at Oliva, Hayden left her to deal with the screaming five-year-old.

Hayden then found Josh in the same place that he left and explained the situation. The latter then left to help Oliva move to their room so Kaylee could get into her room after she was out of the shower.

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