Twenty Sixth Chapter

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Thursday 23rd April
Residential home

It had been eleven days since Bridgette had begun living with Hayden and his family. In that time, Hayden had finally turned eighteen on the fifteenth. But with Hayden being grounded because of his disrespect towards his father, they were unable to go out, which resulted them to shut themselves in Hayden's bedroom and watch random movies that night. With more than one of them covering up, the couples make out sessions.

Hayden smiled politely as he walked through the doors of the residential home for the first time with Oliva at his side.

"Be polite and do everything your asked," Oliva said lowly as she walked closer to his side.

Hayden bit back a sarcastic remark and an eye roll.

"Yes Ma'am. You really don't have to stay with me, I'll be fine on my own," Hayden said as he moved out of the way of a worker and stood in line at the reception desk, behind a younger man that looked only a couple of years older than him.

"Someone has to make sure you actually do the work. No, you can't be here on your own. You don't know anyone here and I'd rather stay to keep an eye on you," Oliva said.

Hayden reluctantly nodded and slipped his hands into his pocket.

"I said be respectful! Take your hands out of your pockets. It makes you look like you have no manners," Oliva snapped with an impatient look.

Hayden pulled his hands out and let them fall to his sides.

"Why are you being like this? You're never usually this demanding," Hayden asked in a quiet enough tone so he wouldn't be heard by anyone else.

"This is a punishment, Hayden. I'm not going to be friendly towards you. Your dad is trusting me with your punishment and I want to show him that his ways aren't right," Oliva insisted.

"Why are you adamant on trying to change him?" Hayden asked. "Just because you don't agree with something doesn't make it not right," Hayden hissed.

"Don't use that tone with me!" Oliva warned lowly.

"Sorry," Hayden mumbled.

He watched as Oliva spoke with the receptionist for a couple of minutes. She glanced back at Hayden every couple of seconds, before she returned to the conversation, with the teen finally being mentioned only after the receptionist inquired about him, in which she introduced him as her stepson.

Despite normal pleasantries that didn't go further than a simple greeting, Hayden didn't speak to any other workers as he was led through hallways. He just followed Oliva, always remaining a couple of steps behind as she talked to a worker, who didn't pay any attention to Hayden aside from their brief introduction.

As they neared the elevator, Hayden felt himself begin to tense. He constantly reminded himself that he could just take the stairs. Those words became like a mantra as they drew closer. It was the only thought that was going through his head as they continued walking.

Hayden felt himself tense as he watched Oliva press the button for the elevator. That same tense feeling continued to spread throughout him as the seconds seemed to drag on.


Oliva and her companion turned to Hayden. The teen cleared his throat and silently hoped the elevator would take long enough for him to make his resentment about their mode of transport clear.

"C-Can I just take the stairs?" Hayden siletly cursed himself for stuttering as he reminded himself he'd probably have to explain himself quickly.

"Why would you want to take the stairs?" Oliva asked.

"I just want to. I'll explain later... Just please!" Hayden begged as he felt his hands begin to sweat. He whipped his hands on his jeans, but the sweat just kept building, seemingly getting worse with every passing second.

Hayden was too busy trying to stop himself from panicking that he failed to notice the confused look the elders shared.

"The kid's probably claustrophobic," the man said. He sent Hayden an encouraging smile as he spoke.

"He isn't. His father would have mentioned it before if he was. I'm sure he'd just over-reacting or wanting attention. You know how kids are," Oliva said. "Stop acting this way Hayden and let's go!"

The beeping and opening of the elevator doors made Hayden tense completely. A tingling sensation started at his fingertips and spread through him like wildfire. His breathing became fast and shallow as he instinctively took a few steps back, forcing himself against a wall. All the while, his heart was pounding, and he felt like he was underwater. His every breath seemed to only increase his panic. He began to shake as his legs collapsed from under him and he found himself on the floor with every muscle in his body tensed.

Hayden kept his arms crossed over his face with his eyes screwed shut. He found himself lost in his memories. The fear, her screams and soothing voice telling him to remain quiet, not to scream as that man approached her. It all began after that sound. The sound of the elevator bell rang in his eyes like a ticking clock. His heart raced every time he heard the sound. It quickly overwhelmed him.



Hayden sipped the cup of water he'd been given slowly before he put it back on the side table. After managing to get him to calm down, Hayden was taken by Oliva and her friend to a backroom, who had insisted on staying, despite his workload, out of concern for the boy.

"What was that about?" Oliva demanded, after her friend had left having seen Hayden was fine.

"I'm sorry. It just got too much," Hayden whispered. He felt the same pressure on his chest as the haunting images still played on, like a movie in his mind.

"What did? Getting into an elevator? Are you serious? Listen, I know you don't want to be here, but pulling a stunt like that is completely unacceptable! You need to stop being so selfish! Poor Rick has had to delay seeing people because of you!" Oliva lectured with a disgusted look.

"I didn't mean for it to happen... I didn't know we were going that way-" Hayden began as he reached for his cup again.

"You're going in an elevator! It's not that hard! Just admit you were doing it for attention! Honestly, that was beyond ridiculous for you to act that way! You talk about wanting us to start treating you like an adult, when you're willing to throw a tantrum like a toddler to avoid having to work! It's a miracle you still have that job! I don't even have words to describe the utter disgust I have for you right now!"

"I didn't do it to avoid anything. I didn't want that to happen," Hayden whispered.

"Yes, you did don't lie! You're an adult now. Act like it!" Oliva screamed. She didn't seem to notice the way Hayden tensed more and averted his attention to fiddling with the empty porcelain cup.

"I'm not dealing with this behaviour! I've called your father and told him to come and pick you up. He doesn't know what you did yet, but don't think I'm going to keep it from him." Oliva sent Hayden one more disappointed look, which made the pressure in Hayden's chest become almost unbearable, before she walked out shaking her head while she did so.

Hayden didn't react, he just sat there and closed his eyes. The images that had haunted his dreams for the last five years passed through his brain all at once.

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