Twenty Second Chapter

108 1 0

Saturday 11th April
City centre, McDonalds 

"I was not expecting you to turn up," Molly said as Hayden made his way towards her and Carter, the latter was sipping a cup of coffee with an annoyed look.

"Why'd you think that?" Hayden asked as he joined them at their table.

"Because of what we talked about last night..But I was obviously wrong," Molly admitted, giving Carter an annoyed look. "Can you stop!" She demanded.

"I can't!" Carter held his hands up. "It's freezing Molly! It's not my fault my teeth are chattering," Carter defended.

"It's not that cold, is it?" Molly rolled her eyes and turned to Hayden.

"I'm fine... Look, can we just go?" Hayden asked impatiently. "I don't want Bridgette to be getting hurt right now and we're too busy getting annoyed at Carter to do anything about it," Hayden said hurriedly 

"Alright... Alright, come on then. I'm sure you're overreacting but fine," Carter said and stood up alongside Molly, who nodded in agreement at Hayden's words.

"Remind me why you were invited?" Hayden demanded with a glare.

"Erm... Because I'm Bridgette's friend and I'm concerned about her?" Carter's statement was more of a question.

"Whatever! Let's just go. You're driving yeah Hayden? I walked here and Carter took the bus, so you kind of have to," Molly said as they made their way towards the car park.

"So what are you going to do if I don't agree to come with you?" Hayden asked.

"Then I was going to take my car," Molly said.

Hayden nodded. Silence fell upon the group as they continued walking. Hayden's mind was far too filled with his worries to strike up another conversation.

Foster Household.

Like the walk to the car, the car ride was void of any conversation, all three of them lost in their worries. The radio was the only thing that broke the eerie silence.

"We're here," Hayden announced as he parked up and looked at Carter with a hesitant look.

"Right, well, let's do this then," Molly said with uncertainty.

Hayden sent unsure glances to Molly and Carter before he pulled his keys out and got out of the car with the others following.

The tension in the air could be cut with a knife. A mix of worries about what they would find and the knowledge that Bridgette could get hurt left Hayden in a mix of fear and adrenaline.

"Who's knocking?" Carter asked as he walked slowly to let Hayden and Molly get in front of him.

"I will," Hayden said.

He didn't wait for a response. All he wanted to do was get it over with. Hayden quickly walked up to the front door and knocked. Meanwhile, Molly and Carter made their way behind him.

After waiting two minutes and getting no response, Hayden knocked again, a lot more loudly this time.

The door pulling open was almost instant. At that moment Hayden wanted to turn around and force Carter or Molly to do the talking, but he was froze.

"Can I help you?!" Daniel slurred. His brown hair was ruffled and unkept and his eyes were glassy and bloodshot.

Hayden cleared his throat and reminded himself that he was doing this for Bridgette.

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