Chapter 2

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Finding the main building, you went to the closet person you found. They gave a crazy look like you killed someone.

" Hey (N/N) what are you doing? And why are you covered in blood!?" The man who you were talking to was your closet friend and regular. He was one of the higher ups.

"My place just got shot up by Hank! I need you to tell someone!" You shouted in his face.

"Are you okay did you get hurt!" He yelled at you. You said a simple no but you do want new clothing.

"I'll go tell the auditor but he's not here at the moment."

"Just stay here I'll get you some new clothing, and get some guards to get you home safe." He waved his hands saying to stay here. Nodding you sat down at the closest bench.


"Hey Hank, where did the bartender go?" Deimos said as Hank was cleaning and sharping his blades.

"I don't know and don't care." He put it simple.

"But they could've told the auditor and his troops." Deimos had a concerned voice, he did like the fact that he had to get his ass up again for something stupid.

"If you wanna go find then do so, but it's not my problem. Plus those agents are just ants to me." Hank 'looked' at him. He was pissed off that Deimos was so concerned about this bartender.

Deimos looked away. They just got out of the mission and he just wanted to sit down and have a smoke.

"Fine." Grabbing a cigarette and smoking it.

Walking outside to see a person walking with agents around them. They looked like the bartender.

Holy shit, it was them. He should wait before killing. He doesn't want the guards to fight him. They were already in enough trouble form not searching around if anyone was alive.


"Thanks again." Waving at them. Going inside the small house. It wasn't much but it was something in Nevada. The house looked like it was falling apart with one, of the windows being covered up by a black trash bag and the others having bars around them, so no one could break in. The house was a grayish blue and a brown bottom and top.

Setting down your purse and walking to the shower. After what happened you wanted to shower from the smell of blood.

Hopping in the small shower with only cold water coming out. Getting out and getting dressed in some sweat pants and a tank top. Sleep was the only thing on your mind.

Dragging your feat to the bed and collapsing in it. It felt so nice after a long day of work.


"Hank I found the bartender I think they could have some useful information!" Deimos was excited he was going to be a big help.

"And why do you think that?" Hank was annoyed with the man.

"Well there was guards all around them so they probably have connections with the auditor or higher ups!" He yelled out. Maybe this bartender wasn't as bad as he thought.

"Fine but if they don't I'm making you go on the biggest mission."
"Not a pro-"
"Alone." Hank said in a bold tone. Deimos shook his head. Now he just had to get his partner to help him.


"What do you need little dude." Sanford smirked he knew that Deimos doesn't like it to be called little.Deimos scoffed at the man.

"Anyways, we need to kidnap someone for information." Sanford looked happy at the information he was given. He hasn't done that in awhile now.

"When?" Deimos looked around a bit thinking.

"Maybe around 12 am." Sanford nodded. Who was the person they were kidnapping?

I hoped you liked the second chapter. I got bored and wanted to write another one! I hoped you enjoyed! (灬º‿º灬)♡

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