Chapter 1 || WandaY/N

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Lifting plates telepathically, Wanda Maximoff dries and puts them back on the shelves. Lifting one plate as the kitchen door swings open, it smashes over the head of Y/N Stark attempting to read a newspaper.

Startled, she looks up and frowns as the cut from the glass quickly heals, a drop of blood not even being seen in time before it closes, "My wife and her flying saucers."

Grinning ear to ear, Wanda places her hands on her hips, playfully winking, "My wife and her super healing."

"Aren't we a fine pair?" Y/N Stark quips before walking over, placing a chaste kiss on her wife's soft lips. Wanda leans over, smiling as she magically gathers up the shards to mold back the plate to one piece.

"What do you say to silver dollar pancakes, crispy hash browns, bacon, eggs, freshly squeezed orange juice, and black coffee?" Wanda asks as she puts the plate away, opening the fridge.

"I say, golden brown, crispy bacon, scrambled and no pulp ma lady!" Y/N says, laughter of a crowd being heard in the background.

Giggling, Wanda snaps her fingers and all the food appears before them on the counter in two fully prepared plates.

Y/N pulls a chair out for her wife, allowing her to take a seat before politely pushing it back in, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Once they sit down to eat, a heart on a calendar catches Y/N's eye.


"Hmm?" Wanda responds with a mouth full of eggs.

More laughter.

"Is there something special about today?"

She glances at her wife while she frowns, checking her outfit, "well I know the apron is a bit much, dear, but I am doing my best to blend in!"

Cue the laughter again.

Y/N chuckles but shakes her head, "No, no. There, on the calendar. Someone's drawn a little heart right above today's date." Y/N stands to point it out more clearly.

Wanda follows her and observes it herself, eyes widening in confusion but since Y/N is behind her, it is not seen.

"Oh yes! The heart!"

"Mhm," Y/N replies, resting her hands on Wanda's shoulders as she places her chin atop her head in a loving manner.

"Well don't tell me you have forgotten, Y/N/N."

"Forgotten?" The Stark woman chuckles as she leans on the counter, waving her wife off.

"Oh Wanda, I would never forget such a thing. I remember everything, quite frankly."

"Well then tell me what's so special about today's date," Wanda smiles expectantly at her taller wife, eyes dancing with playful knowledge.

Y/N stares off, trying to navigate through her head to remember anything from the days before of what that heart could mean but she cannot for the life of her remember. She doesn't even remember going to sleep or eating the day before.

"What was the question again?"

The crowd laughs and Wanda seemingly turns towards the sound before Y/N sighs, "Oh well, perhaps you have simply forgotten yourself."

Wanda, startled now with her wife's accusation, turns to her in faux offense, "Me? Heavens no, I've been so looking forward to it." "As have I," Y/N shakes her head with a faulty smile.

"Today we are celebrating..." "You bet we are," Wanda finishes, walking closer to the counter.

"It's the first time we..." She leans over the counter, Y/N mirroring such action with a smirk, "Mmmhmmm."

"Have ever celebrated this occasion before!"

Nodding, Y/N ponders, "It's a...special day!"

"Perhaps an evening."

"Of great significance."

"To us both!"

"Naturally," Y/N grins.


"Exactly," Y/N leans in and closes the gap between the two women, kissing one another quickly but meaningfully while the laughter comes up once again.

"Well done us...alright then. That's me off to work, then!" Y/N turns to grab her bag before heading to the door but her wife catches her.

"Oh! Don't forget."

"I haven't!"

Wanda smirks up at Y/N, then leans in to tie the unfinished tie around Y/N's neck. She looks her wife up and down with a satisfied grin.

"Looking lovely, Dear."

"Only for you, Darling."

Y/N kisses her wife before walking out the door, leaving Wanda alone in the house.

Your POV

"Why are we going to Westview again?" I groan from the passenger seat, throwing my feet up on the dash.

Sighing, Natasha stares at the road, "S.W.O.R.D. is working on some sort of anomaly there. They've been calling it the 'Westview anomaly.' Apparently it has Wanda's name all over it."

"What does Wanda have to do with it?" I frown, not understanding what's even going on when a hand slaps my leg, making it fall off the dash.

"First of all, feet off. That's leather. And second of all, she has everything to do with it."

The trees breeze past us the faster we drive. I look up at the clouds in the sky, trying to get a hold of Wanda with my mind but I can't. Usually it's easy to...or at least it was before Thanos stripped me of her. I just got her back and then she disappeared again. What could Wanda have to do with an anomaly? What has she done since I've been... "dead" as everyone continues to put it.

"What are you up to, Red Eyes?" I mumble as I stare out the window in concern for the beautiful witch.


A/N: Welcome to Purple Silence!

Now I assure you all that the "WandaY/N" will not last long...I grow tired of fics that actually have it go on forever because it just feels robotic because's a false reality. So do not fret! It will go quick! The beginning part was when Wanda first got to Westview so that happened a while ago, it was just to give a taste of it.

Where you are now with Nat, it's later in the show. Don't worry :)

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