Chapter 18 || Pepper Lecture

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Attendance time losers <3

Your POV

It's been a while since Natasha left and Wanda has been practicing her control. She has started to get the hang of it, she makes me stay out of the room sometimes so that she can be fully alone to practice but secretly I hide outside the door and watch in case of any incidents.

Today she wanted to go off on her own for a little nature walk so I let her, although I made her keep her phone on her so I can track her if need be.

"Worried about Witchy?"

I turn my head around to Tony who's been working in the lab on some helmet for Pepper that we both know she will never use, but he does it anyways.

"She's strong, powerful. I'm just worried she'll let her worries get the best of her."

He nods and looks around, then tosses me some sort of squishy ball.

"Stress ball. Squeeze it, it'll help ease your little protective instincts stress."

With a roll of my eyes, I oblige and squeeze it, finding a strange comfort in doing so while I look around the lab.

"It's been quiet here since Thanos."

"No shit, it's kind of nice. Everyone gets to do their own thing, no big threats, just small missions. I don't have to see Rogers' face scolding me every second of every day. Refreshing, no?"

Chuckling, I toss the ball up in the air and catch it, then nod in agreement.

"It's nice but you know me, I like the excitement."

"Last time you got excited you nearly killed yourself by snapping your annoying fingers."

"Saved half the universe didn't I?"

He tosses me an annoyed glance before the door opens and I hear a young voice shouting, "Auntie Y/N!"

Turning around, I spot Morgan running towards me. With a wide grin, I kneel down to her level and open my arms so that she can jump into me. When she makes contact, I squeeze her tight and stand up, spinning her around.

"How you doing, little bug?"

"I got to draw today!" She shows me a drawing of what I am guessing is me and Tony, Tony in his Iron Man suit and me in my suit, making me chuckle at the height difference.

Tony may be older but I am the taller one between us two, and Morgs definitely made that evident in her drawing.

"Well would you look at that? Think I'm gonna have this one framed, whaddya think, Tones?" I show it to him and he turns from Pepper with a smile but it quickly drops when he sees how short he looks compared to me, making his eyes go wide as he snatches the paper.

"Little Miss, what is this? Why am I so short?"

Morgan giggles and grips around my neck harder, smiling at her dad, "because you're short, Daddy. Auntie Y/N is skyscraper."

With that, I smile proudly and nod in agreement, shrugging at Tony apologetically, "sorry bout it little bro."

I place Morgan down and walk over to Pepper, kissing her cheek and hugging her.

"That is big brother to you, you annoying sack of tattoos." He pokes me with his pen, making me wince but ignore him anyways.

Pepper allows Tony to spend time with Morgan and shove information on technology into her tiny little head while she pulls me away from the chaos that is my brother.

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