Chapter 3 || I Have What I Want.

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Your POV

"Go through this with me one more time," I mumble, rubbing my temples as I try to comprehend what the hell is going on here.

"Alright. We are heading to Westview, New Jersey. Thor was contacted by his old friend Darcy Lewis. Asked if you were really dead. When he told her no, that you made it out, she told him that we needed to get to where she was as fast as possible."

Sighing at Tony's words I nod, "Alright...continue."

"When we asked her why, she said that Wanda came to Westview. Took an entire town hostage, under her control. She created some...sitcom for God knows what and you are in it."

"Okay stop there," I hold my hand up and think for a moment. This makes no sense.

"That's...I'm lost. So she created some show... I'm in it...but I'm right here. How is that even possible?"

There's no way that's real. Someone has to be posing as me. A shifter, maybe.

"Look for yourself. I had her send me over the episodes. Check it out."

He hands me his phone to which I stare at the screen, hitting play. I see Nat through my peripheral vision glancing down at it to see for herself. The first episode is black and white...the second too...but then it turns to the hell am I in this?

I would remember being in a sitcom with Wanda.

I mean we did some freaky stuff but roleplay like this was certainly never one of them.

When I see children I widen my eyes in shock, "Who...who are these kids?"

"Yours. And hers." Natasha tells me but I chuckle, "okay now hold up-" "Yeah we get it you got no dick. Listen, if Wanda could create a new you with her powers, there's nothing telling me that she can't create fake babies too. And kids."

"That's are kids she's never seen before. She has seen me. You're telling me that she magically created these children?"

"Either that or she stole them out of someone's home inside the hex and made them think they're her children," Natasha snickers, earning a punch in the shoulder from me.

Jesus...I didn't think Wanda was capable of this. I knew she was strong but...this is a whole other level of power. She has an entire town under her control, made a new version of me, and made kids? How is she controlling all that at once? Something here...something isn't fully right. Wanda isn't in the right headspace. She would never hurt people like that. They must be terrified.

I go through more episodes, and see Wanda kick someone named Geraldine out of her literally out of it. Like threw the woman through the wall out of it.

"That's that agent-" "Monica Rambeau. She went inside the hex to try and help Wanda. Turns out Wanda wasn't very pleased to see a S.W.O.R.D. agent in her home. Once yours and Pietro's name was brought up, all hell broke loose."

Tony chuckles, leaning over to rewind the episode, wanting to see Wanda get angry again.

"The head tilt thing. She does that often when Little Witch is angry, huh?"

Smirking, I nod as I watch her do it again. I miss that tilt. It was always attractive. When she does it at you it's terrifying, don't get me wrong. But still, the hottest thing I've ever seen.

The next episode it seems like we are in the 80s. The kids are grown, like actually they shot up their own ages 5 years at a time. They're 10 I think...Billy and Tommy. They're cute kids, and the way my doppelgänger interacts with them makes me smile.

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