Chapter 16 || Budapest

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Your POV

I am woken up by a loud scream. My body shoots upwards, sweat breaking onto my face as I look around wildly.

When I spot Wanda beside me in bed screaming and shaking, sweat coating her skin like a blanket of wetness.

"Wands, babe wake up."


I place my fingers on her temples to see what she's dreaming about and see her then me. She's killing me, her magic is wrapped around my neck, laughing as life drains from me.

Frowning, I feel a pang of worry shoot through me, a weird sensation rubbing at my neck the longer I watch. She continues to choke me, her eyes a blazing red, a sickeningly wicked grin spread across her face whilst she flicks her wrist, my body jerking while her dream version of me shrieks in pain, her powers impaling through my chest.

I pull my hands away and rub my neck while I try and wake Wanda up.

"Babe. Wanda. Wands, wake up."

She continues to cry out in her sleep so I try a different approach. I grab her shoulder and shake her, willing her awake.

"Red Eyes, wake up!" My voice raises and I watch her shoot up in bed, gasping loudly while her eyes shoot open, intensely red with tears streaming down her cheeks.

She screams and teleports herself across the room, huddling into the corner as she shakes.

"Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. Wanda, I'm okay. It was just a dream."

"N-no. No! I k-ki...I killed you... Stay away from me!"

The door swings open, Natasha sprinting in, stopping beside me while she looks on in concern. My attention briefly goes to her, shaking my head in pure worry and fear for Wanda before I slowly approach her. She notices and lifts her hands in warning, "Y/N don't! Didn't you see it? She wants me to kill you! I can't...I can't lose you again. Please just...stay away from me!"

"Wanda, you aren't going to hurt me. It was a dream-" "NO! It was her! The Scarlet Witch!" Her voice is crying out desperately, fear lacing her words and staining her cheeks with pain. Her hands are violently shaking, red mist emerging from her fingertips, encasing her in a threatening bubble of red.

I go to approach her but Natasha grips my hand, pulling me back. Her eyes speak louder than any words could, warning me to stay back, but I shake my head.

"I'm not sitting back while she suffers at her own hand."

"Y/N, she can't control herself right now."

"That's what I am here for, Natalia. Now back. Off." I threaten her with my blue eyes, clearly triggering a memory for her, causing her to step back and stare at me in surprise. She was reminded of me when I was the Grim Reaper. I can tell.

But of course I am going to get defensive and overprotective of Wanda. I lost her once, I'll be damned if I lose her again, especially to her own powers.

Turning back, I walk over to Wanda and bend down towards her, placing my hand on top of one of hers.

"Y/N, back up!" Wanda whimpers, trying not to let her powers come at me.

I smile, shaking my head as I place my other hand on her cheek, tilting her head to look up at me. Her eyes are wide, blazing red, eyebrows pulled together in fear of herself.

"Breathe. It's me. I won't let you lose control. Remember what Strange said. Don't let your emotions control you. I am alive, I am safe, I am here, Red Eyes. Right here."

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