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Beeep!! BEEEEP!!


Stupid alarm...

I sat up to turn off my phone. I rub my eyes before checking the notifications on my phone. After the dinner with Aunt Mito, I fell right to sleep. I guess I so tired from all the stress of thinking about if Killua was going to text or call me. However after turning off my alarm, my phone buzzed again from a former notification.

I got a message from Killua...

Wait... he loves me? Then that means we feel that same way towards each other?

I fucked up again. I left because I didn't know if I loved him or not, but now I understand. I made him worry, and he felt the need to understand why I did. Damn it, I made him like this. I have to fix this.


Meet me in the front of the school.

I quickly get ready for school. I zoomed downstairs; Aunt Mito looking at me with an arched brow.

"Um... Gon, are you okay?" She asks me.

"Killua loves me, and I left him alone. It was all my fault. I should've never left."

"Hey, hey calm down. Killua loves you, but why is it your fault?"

"Because I distanced myself from him. I thought if Killua still stayed a friend,  nothing would change. But instead I made him worry about me, and he resorted to stalking me."

"Gon, this is not entirely your fault, he made his decision because he was worried. But please go talk to him and sort things out."

"I will, thanks!"

"Have a good day at school!"

I ran out of my house, getting my phone out to try and call Killua but no response.

Dammit! Why isn't he picking up?!

I continue to run faster than I did before to try and reach the school. Crossing through the seemingly endless path of trees and bushes, blocking my view. Within a couple of minutes, the school campus was in my sight.

Hang on Killua. I'm gonna fix this.

I saw the end, making myself leap father, as I jump off the hill, landing on my feet and kept going. I was finally on the school campus, looking around to see if Killua was there, but he wasn't.

My phone buzzed repeatedly, I picked it up and answered without hesitation.

"Hello Killua?!" I asked trying to catch my breath.

"Gon, are you at the school already?" I heard Killua's cute morning voice over the phone.

"Yeah, where are you?"

"Just meet me in the art room. You know where that is?"

"Yeah. I'm going over there right now. Don't go anywhere."

I hung up, running into the school doors, and rushing to the second floor of the art room. Busting through the door, to see the white haired boy painting. I pant heavily trying to catch my breath. Looking up to see Killua's bright blue eyes widen.

"Gon?" I hear his soft voice call out to me, as I mentally lose it.

Walking forward and grabbing him in a hug. The paint brushes he clutched in his hand on the floor, followed with the sound of them dropping.

"Gon, what are you doing?" Killua doesn't push me away. I hear his tone of voice change of confusion.

"I love you Killua," I finally said it. "If I wasn't for my stupidity, I would have said this sooner."

"Wait Gon! Are you a fucking idiot?! How can you forgive me so easily?!"

"Because... I love you."

Seriously, Gon. You could've told him... that I have done worse.

"You're so unreasonable."

I feel Killua's hands on my back. The warmth that I have been missing has been right here. A new way of love, that builds me up to be better.

"Gon, I love you too."

"I know. I know."

Finally, we can have the life that we have always wanted.

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