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I have specific hiding spots around school campus. There's one around the trees and bushes where he plays basketball. Also near the bench next the cafeteria where he eats, when he's finished he goes to the library. Sometimes I spot him down the hallway. Then if I get lucky, I see him walk home.

My name is Killua Zoldyck, a close "observer" to Gon Freeccs. I can guarantee that I know everything about him. Except for one thing...his past. In class, we were assigned to do a family project. But he privately talked to the teacher and said that he couldn't do the project. Of course, because he's perfect, he was given the go ahead.

I've been doing this ever since I met him in the 7th grade. I'm a high school sophomore, and I can't manage to stop myself from watching him. We may wear school uniforms, but even in school uniforms...he still manages to stand out from the rest of the school.

His smile...oh his smile. His dimples that appear on his cheeks. I always found it to be so bright and uniquely attractive. His personality of being helpful and honest with others. He's athletic and is amazing with animals. He's just so...PERFECT!

"Hey Killua," someone calls my name.

Once I look up, I'm gazed upon the god himself. His ethereal honey, golden eyes left me breathless. His honed, muscular body... I stared in awe. I immediately felt my face heat up.

"Hey Gon. What do you need?" I responded shyly.

"Are you ok?" Gon asks.

He comes towards holding out his hand and he feels my forehead. His hand is so soft.

"Yeah. I'm fine don't worry about it," I waved my hands in dismissal.

"Are you sure? You look really red," Gon still has his hand on my face...

"Really, I'm fine. Did you need something?" I answered back, smiling at him.

"Ok then," with that he took his hand off of my forehead, and smiled back at me.

He's so cute, we stare at each other for a moment. A pink tone appears on his face, and as I noticed this I questioned what he wanted from me.

"So what do you want?" I asked again.

"O-Oh, sorry," He puts his hand over his neck rubbing it.

I remember when he did this when he met and when we would talk sometimes. That's a motion that he does and I have no idea what it means.

"I was going to ask, if you could draw me," he inquired." I've seen your artwork and you'ee amazing, so I was hoping you could draw me. It's going to be a present for my aunt."

"Oh, I see. Sounds good, do you have a photo that I could copy of or something?"

Believe it or not, but from the distance, I have drawn Gon a lot. Especially his body figure, it looked to be craved perfectly. Like God shaped him into being a perfect human. Looks, personality, and a good family, he's just perfection all around.

" Actually," Gon says," I was hoping that you could draw me face-to-face. I just think it would be easier for you."

"But what about you? Aren't you busy with other things?"

"Oh trust me, basketball season isn't until Winter. I still have lots of times. And I also need someone to sneak to lunch with. I'm so tried of girls trying to hook up with me."

"Well, are the girls pretty? Aren't you going to give one of them a chance?"

"No. They just don't have anything special with them, but... I also see you alone all the time. I never really get the chance to talk to until class starts or something."

"Oh, I didn't notice that you wanted to talk to me personally. "

I totally did notice, but I would get nervous talking to him that I would leave to help out other teacher or something.

"You seem like a really smart guy, and I just wanted to get to know you if that's ok?"

I giggled like a girl, so I covered my mouth, but then he said...

"You have a cute laugh. You should laugh more often."

I blushed, being complemented by my crush. A HUGE SCORE RIGHT NOW!!

"Let's exchange phone numbers for a start then we can get to the art and drawing stuff tomorrow."

I remember this being the best day of my life, but at the same time, I should've known what I would be getting myself into by talking to him more actively.

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