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I didn't pay attention in class. I was fidgeting with the piece of paper in my hand, it felt laminated. It was an invitation to Aunt Mito's party that Gon gave me. The information was given she's turning 26, and it's on September 7. That's about a week. It's hard to believe in the course of a month, I was able to get rid of my fear and talk with Gon. Not only that, we've grown even closer than before. The very thought of this makes me blush and smile like an idiot. I wonder who else is he going to invite, I mean, will I see his family for the first time? Knowing Gon, he's mostly going to invite people that are close to Aunt Mito. I have nothing to worry about.
My teacher stops in the middle of the lesson as the phone rings. Mrs. Siberia talks to the person on the phone and hangs up shortly.

"Killua, Ms. Kruger would like to see you in the office," she told me. "And take your things with you. I have a feeling you'll be in there for a while."

I nodded, standing up to pack my things. My classmates immediately starting whispering to each other. It wasn't rare for me to be with the principal, not because I was bad student. She likes that I'm a straight A student, and I'm respected around the staff because of this. But I have a good feeling about what she was calling me in the office for.

I hear a door shut and footsteps getting closer to me.

"Hey Killua," a familiar voice calls out to me.

I look back at his honey glazed eyes softly,"Hey Gon."

I stop walking so that he can catch up to me before we start walking together.

"Retz said something right?" Gon asks me.

"Most likely, but she's going to change her story to make it seem like she is the victim. Do you still have the recording?"

"Hell yeah I do. I also have you who witnessed the entire thing."

"Yeah, but the recording is the legitimate evidence that she was planning on using you."

"That doesn't bother me. What bothered me is how much she believed that plan would work. I mean honestly. I'm happy she didn't drag you into the situation though."

"It's worse for you, if she convinces the principal that Retz's story is true, this could ultimately end your basketball career."

Gon gasps out loud," Oh my gosh that's right! I have been to practice in a week! Oh man, oh man, oh man!"

"Gon," I interrupted his little panic attack. "Basketball practice has been cancelled due to the bad air quality, remember?"

"Holy crap, you're right! Wait, how did you know about that?"

"Because they announced it while you were gone. I just remembered about that. I was going to tell you sooner but I forgot about the little situation, we had this morning."

Gon chuckles letting out a smile," Well, I guess I would've known anyway. Thanks for remembering about me though."

"Well, we are friends after all. It's the least I could do for you."

Friend? Yeah right.

"Killua, when all of this is over there is something that I-"

Gon caught himself and paused for a moment looking at the floor. He didn't look at me, and he stayed silent.


I became concerned as he didn't answer me.

"Gon what is it?"

He looked up at me and smiled," I'll tell you at Aunt Mito's party. When we get all of this settled, then I'll feel better to tell you something."

He wanted to tell me something, well what is it? I don't want to get my hopes up, but could it be about his past?

"We're at the office, are you ready?" Gon asked as I stood beside him in front of the door.

"Whatever happens, we'll do it together."


Hopefully this doesn't take too long.

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