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Me and Gon stepped into the office cautiously and closely observing things, not looking too suspicious.

"Wait here until Ms. Krueger has called you in," Ms. Cookie said. She's a pink haired lady who the office assistant.

Me and Gon sat next to each other in soft blue cushion seats. He pulls out his phone to look at the video with Retz. He clenches his phone tightly with his nose scrunched.

"Gon, stop watching that video. You don't need to listen that bitch," I told him with a little irritation.

"I know, but is that why you decided to hang out with me Killua?"

My eyes widened as looked down at the ground,"What? What are you talking about?"

"I mean, Retz was telling me that she only wanted to be with me because of power and popularity. I was wondering if you hang out with me for the same reason?"

"No, I'm not like her," I gently pull his chin to look up at me. "No matter what happens, I will always be there for you."

I saw Gon's eyed glisten for the first time along with a light pink filling his cheeks as he looks at me. The emptiness in his honey, brown eyes vanished. I couldn't help but blush myself.

He's so fucking adorable.

"Do you really mean that?" He still looked at me with the same blush on his cheeks causing me to turn even more red.

"Of course I mean it. I don't need power or popularity, all I need is you."

We stare into each other's eyes, as Gon grabs my hand gently leaving his chin. He then gives me one of the warmest smiles, I've ever seen.

"Killua, thank you."

"For what?"

"Because that's the first time, someone other than Aunt Mito appreciates me. It feels wonderful."

This is too much for my heart.

Ms. Cookie comes out of the office," Killua, Gon she's waiting for you."

"Ready?" I ask him.


We walk up together, as we face this.

Ms. Krueger is one of the youngest looking principals ever. She's 44 years-old, yet she looks like a 12 year-old. This is actually due to disorder that she has. It makes it look like she hasn't aged at all. She still wears pink dresses and pigtails. She sat in a white chair paired with a white desk. She just stares at us for a couple of moments.

"Killua Zoldyck and Gon Freeccs. I'm sure you know why you are in here. Concerning Retz this morning. She came into my office this morning, telling me that you both sexually harassed her. She came in crying, but I want to hear your stories. Care to explain."

What a fucking liar.

"Well," I started it off. "First of all, we did not sexually harass her. I wasn't even on campus when it happened. I just happened to see the whole thing and I stuck around."

"She then decided to insult me to my face, after I rejected her," Gon concluded, as he pulled out his phone. "I even have proof."

Gon played the video to Ms. Krueger. I stood silent, her comments disgusted me. Who cares if you can like men? People can like whoever they like. As long as you love someone, it's better than trying to fit in society.

That person is you, Gon.

"Very interesting video. I'm surprised that she made insulting comments towards your sexuality. That must mean, that she did those injuries to herself in order to make you seem more guilty," Ms. Krueger puts her hand on her chin, thinking. She hummed slightly as she came up with a solution. "But what happened after the video? How do I know that you did hit her after?

This isn't what was supposed to happen.

"This video isn't soild evidence, but to mention it Retz's side of the story doesn't seem right, and considering you are both very good students," Ms. Krueger thought. "In order to clear this up, you'll both have to be with the school counselor Mr. Wing. It will only be a week, considering you didn't do anything to her. His room is upstairs at 605. After lunch, you'll go to his room, and once the week is done, you don't have to go back. Do I make myself clear?"

Me and Gon both nod.

"I'll have a talk with Retz. You boys don't need to worry about her anymore. I'll give you a pass back to class."

We wait for our slips to be written out, and Gon turns to smile at me and wink slightly.

God, he's so hot.

Ms. Krueger hands us our hall passes, as we exit out of her office," Also boys, if she causes trouble to you again, don't hesitate to ask, ok?"

We both nod, and we leave the office. Walking down the hallway, Gon chuckles.

"What's up?" I ask him, and his response was giving me a hug. My face heats up, and I felt the blood rush to my ears.

"I'm so glad we got of that situation together, you're really a good person."

Gon, you're the good one here.

I hug him back, clutching his shirt," Thank god. I wouldn't know what to do with myself if you got kicked off the basketball ball team, or if you got into something worse. It would all be because of me."

"Killua," Gon parts from the hug. He has his finger on my chin for me to look at him. "I'm also the one to blame. I rejected her first. I started it all. It took me being with you to realize that I rejected her for a good reason. You're here with me. I couldn't ask for anything more."

"Well, thanks to us, we have counseling for a week."

"No sweat Killua, we'll just walk there together. I'll meet you by the cafeteria tomorrow so we could go. Mr. Wing isn't a bad person. I've helped him multiple times, so you have nothing to worry about," he smiles again.

I swear this kid is shining so bright, that I can't help but look away.

"Let's go to class," I respond.


But it's ok if I stay by your side.

Because I love you Gon.

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