Ch. 1: The Incident

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*flash back*
your pov
"I'll see you tomorrow (bff/n)!" I said with a smile. 

"See ya!" she said. I was only 7 at the time. Not much was going on in my mind then, just usual childish things. Before I knew it, the sun had almost disappeared. I was walking to our little apartment after having a play date with my best friend. Upon my return home, something

 I didn't see any of the lights on. Which was strange considering they would normally be home from work by now.

That's weird. I thought mommy and daddy were home? 

As I had walked in, I heard gasps.

"(y/n)? Wh-why are you here? Weren't you at (bff/n)'s house?" My mother said weakly, hand behind her back. She and dad both had nooses around their necks and had the dining room chairs that my mom had loved so dearly beneath their feet, ready to kick it away from them. My mind was much too naive to actually realize what they were doing. 

"Sh-sh-she had t-to finish h-her homework. W-what are you doing? You'll dirty up you chairs mommy." I said, tears already forming. Each of them looked me in the eyes, but there was something new that I had never seen before. My father's once cheerful eyes had turned dull and my mother's adorable laugh lines drooped in a frown. How long had they felt this way? How long had the smiles we had shared been lies?

My dad had a light chuckle.

"It's okay baby-girl. We're just going away for a while is all." He said trying his hardest at a smile. 

"B-but, why can't I come with you?"

My mom had lost it. She was whining, and crying. I could tell that she had wanted to let that out for a long while. The item in her hand had revealed to be an envelope that had my name on it.

In the midst of her crying fit, the envelope fell and drifted near my feet. Picking it up, My parents had given me one last look of swollen eyes and a light smile and before I knew it, the mahogany chairs had fallen to the ground under the lifeless bodies of my parents.

After that, I had changed. I didn't talk, I didn't smile. Sure, I had felt emotions, but they were rarely positive. It's like the old me had disappeared.

*flash back over*

Walking down the street with two flower arrangements in my left hand and my viola case in my right, I attempted to smooth out my black dress and adjust my cream sweater. With my (h/l) (h/c) hair a mess, I drug my feet closer and closer to my destination.

As I reached the cemetery, I silently walked over to my parent's graves and set each arrangement down gently. I opened the case and pulled out the beautiful instrument and began to play Stravinsky's Elegy for Solo Viola. They'd always appreciated me playing for them.

With the tears streaming steadily down my cheeks, I knelt down, hastily wiping the tears with my sleeve.

Swiftly, I reached into my case and pulled out the unopened letter from eight years ago today.

Letting a few more tears fall, I grazed my fingertips over my parent's handwriting. In the bottom right corner of the envelope, it had said "Do not open until ready."

What is THAT supposed to mean? How will I know? I questioned.

Not yet feeling "ready", I decided to gently place the letter back into it's original spot in my case.

Standing up, I started to head towards the cemetery gate. Looking over my shoulder, I whispered,

"Eight whole years, huh?" and solemnly walked out the gate.

A/N: Hey minna! This is my first fan fiction EVER so a read would be greatly appreciated! Tell me what to fix and I'll do it!
~author-chan ^_^

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