Ch 6: Summer Already?

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-+/*your pov

Walking throught the halls and classrooms, i took down the colered papers decorating the school from the last school occasion we had and just plain
of the acadamy.

I cant believe summer vacation is only a few days away. I honestly had the best time with my newfound friends. I think you would be happy mama, papa. I thought with a smile.

"(Y/N)-chan? Are you a class rep too? Wow i went throughout the whole year without knowing." Kyoya said with a chuckle. I smiled at him. I handed him some of the pictures when one dropped from the music room. I picked it up and dropped on the floor in tears. Kyoya panicked and stuttered out, "A-a-are you o-okay?" I juste looked at him with a big smile on my face and tears of joy in my eyes. It was a picture of the host club. And me.

Kyoya just looked at me then the picture and smiled. His features softened as he sat down beside me and gave me a kind of awkward hug.

"Man (Y/N)-chan you get pretty emotional" he said with a light laugh. I playfully hit him in the arm as i heard a "Tama-chan!" in the distance. I wiped my eyes and got up with the help of Kyoya as the host club approached us.

"Hey (Y/N)-cha-" Tamaki started but as soon as he saw the redness in my eyes he completely flipped on Kyoya

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BABY YOU MONSTER" he kept yelling as the twins held hime back as Mori and Honey watched amused, Haruhi and I were stifling a laugh, and kyoya acted as if nothing was happening.

This is my family now.

~~~~~le time skip~~~~~~

your pov

Its the last day of school and Haruhi pulled me aside

"Ne, (Y/N)-chan what are your plans for summer vacation?" she asked. My face went blank as I tried to dig for an answer when she tapped my shoulder

"You should come with me to work at this pension in Karuizawa!" I thought about it and i was about to say no,when Haruhi said "If you don't accept my offer, I cant guaruntee that the host club wont force you to go somewhere..." and i immediately knw my answer and i nodded my head so much, I almost got dizzy. We soon laughed together as we walked out of the school for the last time in the school year.


A/N Heres a new chapter reader-chan! Sorry for the inactivity but now its spring break and i can get to work! Gomen reader-chan but give me suggestions for new books! i can do x reader and a ship if i know about it! comment and vote as always!


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