Ch. 4: The What Club?

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your pov

Wow I haven't smiled in ages i hope my teeth look okay  I thought. 

I heard the bell ring and looked over at Haruhi's now empty desk, but i noticed a little piece of paper on her desk.

'Sorry I just left I have to get to the Host Club. Just stop by Music Room #3 if you need me :)'  the little note read.  I tilted my head too look at her chair only to see that she had left her notes in class.

I guess I have to give her her notes. I'll head to this music room. I thought they said it was abandoned?

With all of these questions in my head, I quickly grabbed the notes and headed out the classroom door. 

----lazy time skip----

I walked around and finally found this music room only to see a huge blob of yellow blocking the door. And when i mean huge, I mean the whole female population huge. Some how i amde it to the door alive. Scratched, slapped, trampled on, but alive. I opened the door only to be met with a bright light, a gust of wind, and....rose petals? 

"Welcome to the Host Club!" some guy stated.

Maybe i should get out of here I thought. I signed to Haruhi "The what club?" I also told her i had her notes. 

"Thank you!" she said as I handedher the notes, but before she could answer my first question, a blonde guy with purple eyes dashed over towards me. He grabbed my hand to kiss it but on reflex i punched him withall my might.

My eyes went wide and I kept signing I'm so sorry I didn't mean it!  to Haruhi. All she did wa wave it off.

She whispered, "To be honest, I've wanted to do that ever since I got into this club." she laughed. I just smiled and giggled slightly.

Kyoya's pov

I was writing things down in the other room when i heard the most precious of giggles. 

A newcomer? I thought. When i looked up from my notebook, i saw the most beautiful girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair and my heart stopped.

Hikaru & Kaoru's pov

We both thought Isn't that the girl from our class? until our thoughts were interupted by her amazing small smile.

I wonder what her full smile looks like we  thouught as we both tried to picture it.

Tamaki's pov

I woke up with a sweet giggle filling my ears, but as i tried to get up, i felt my cheek throbbing. 

Who is this girl? I thought intrigued.

Honey's pov

Oh my goodness! This mysterious lady's giggle made my heart do backflips. I took a little more time to look at her features. 

She's gorgeous.

Mori's pov

Only one word flashed in my mind as i looked at her face and admired her features.


Your pov

Quickly, i signed to Haruhi "What is this club anyway?" as allof the guys in the room looked at her with expectant eyes. 

"She said, 'What is this club anyway?'" Haruhi said as Purple Eyes immediately stood up.

"We entertain young ladies with too much time on their hands" he said with a bright smile.

I quickly signed an apology. He had look of confusion until Haruhi translated it for him.

"Its quite alright. Might i ask, why dont you talk yourself? Your not deaf, as you can hear Haruhi and I. Why is that?"

"Yeah you never-"

"Spoke in class." the twins stated.

Memories of my parents came flooding back to the front of my memory as i could feel tears in my eyes. Haruhi saw as everyone was oblivious and tried to save me by saying "Hey shouldnt the Club open? We're later than usual" Tamaki gasped and ran to the door as the others set up. Haruhi stayed behind and handed me a box of tissues and said "Just open up when your ready okay?" She said with a reassuring smile. I signed thank you and walked out.

I chose a good first friend.


A/N: I hope you liked this chapter reader-chan! Let me know if i need to fix anything!

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