Ch. 9: Which Room?

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A/N: YAY! i AM BACK FROM THE DEAD! I will try to stay as on top of it as possible as this year has had less homework and school stuff. It might be a little sporadic such as a few updates each month but I promise I will eventually fine a pattern that works for me and for you. And BREAKTHROUGH! You FINALLY get to make a choice! the next chapters will be which of the rooms you stay in! I'm really sorry but im coming back!


Finally, we had arrived at Kyoya's estate after a long, awkward limo ride. And now, the madness ensues...

"I want (y/n)-chan to stay in my room with me and Takashi!" Mori nodded in agreement

"No she's staying with us!" the twins said.


"I do believe since this is my estate she will have no problem rooming with me." Kyoya said. By this time I had gotten fed up with all this bickering.

At first it was kind of funny but now it's just annoying.

Quickly signing something to Haruhi, she abruptly grabbed the convenient megaphone that magically appeared and screamed,

"BE QUIET! says (y/n)- chan." she said  as she put down her megaphone and instantly they cowered in the nearest corner.

"(y/n) said that SHE will be the one to decide where she sleeps." she added.

Oh lord what am I gonna do? Think (y/n) think! Which would be the best option to benefit me and everyone else? Jeez. This is such a difficult decision. I love them all the same...or at least I'm pretty sure I do...Life is so confusing...

"Give me a little time to think okay?" I signed to them with a smile. However after only an hour of peace, the fighting had continued.

"I just know (y/n) will pick my room" Tamaki said with a smirk on his face.

I mentally cringed.

Here we go again. Better settle this once and for all.

"Haruhi can you get their attention?" I told her. She nodded and did as told.

"Okay guys. I have decided who I am going to choose. I choose..."

A/N: Are y'all excited for this new concept called a 'choice'?! WOW! love you all thanks for all the reads! I REALLY LOVE YOU ALL AS BEAUTIFUL INDIVIDUALS!

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