Ch. 7: Why Me?

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your pov

Haruhi and I had arrived in Karuizawa and had been there for a week cleaning, helping, me cooking and playing my instrument for the guests when we heard the door burst open with the ever so familiar rose petals in our faces.

"MY DARLINGS WE HAVE ARRI-" Tamaki had started before Misuzu came over and covered his mouth.

"Haruhi, (y/n) do you know them?" Misuzu inquired and we nodded as she took her hand off of his mouth.

"I'll let you girls tend to them."

We sighed as she left and looked at the club. 

"Excuse us ladies but Tamaki had called us all insisting you had been kidnapped after not returning his calls. After I told them you were here he instantly called us over and we rode overhere to see you both." Kyoya said pointing at an unconcious Tamaki with his pen. The rest of the hsts nodded slightly as Haruhi spoke up.

"Well guys not all of you can stay here. there is only one bedroom left in the pension." All the guys loked down sadly. "Unless (y/n) lets another one of you sleep in her room. Her room is the only one with a pullout couch." Haruhi smirked at me when my eyes went wide. All the club looked up with hope in there eyes and gave eachother a menacing glare as if to say "Im going to win."

Damn Haruhi! You know that I kow they all like me! They'regoing to KILL eachother!  I signed to her in private and she just laughed.All of a sudden Misuzu pops out of thin air and says "We could hve a contest! A refreshment contest! Whoever wins will stay in (y/n)-chan's room and the runnerup will stay in the last bedroom."  The boys all nodded in unison as Misuzu said "LET THE GAMES OF REFRESHMENT BEGIN!"

The only thought that crossed my mind with a laugh was

Why me?


A/N: OHMYLORD SO MANY VOTES! This is super awesome and i cant thank you guys enough! They make me want to write more and more! Suggestions are always welcome!


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