Ch. 2: High School?

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A/N: okay (c/n) means your cousins name. thanks for reading this revision!

your pov

I reached my current house after a long walk back from the cemetery. Well, I guess it's not really a house. It's an apartment that my oldest cousin owned. Normally I would've stayed with an aunt or uncle, but the ones that were alive hardly knew me and (c/n) was the oldest family member able to legally take me in.

And, if I am being completely honest, (s)he is not exactly the best guardian. It's not that (s)he's abad person, it's more about her/his decisions.


As soon as I walked through the door,  the smell of alcohol hit my nose and my cousin was passed out on the couch. The apartment was trashed; red solo cups everywhere, lamps without shades, torn window curtains. 

Ah man! Those will be a PAIN to sew back together.

After draping a blanket over the sleeping beast, I walked into my room and changed out of my dress and into some extremely baggy sweats I owned along with my cousin's t-shirt.

I walked into the living room and began the dreaded task of cleaning up one of my cousin's "rockin'" parties. Again.


A couple of hours into cleaning, I heard (c/n) groaning.

"Eh? (y/n)? When did you--OW!" (s)he said, hands gripping their skull. Grimacing, (c/n) slowly made their way to sit up on the couch.

"Ugh. That party was DEFINITELY a mistake." they stated grimly.

Seeing them in this state, I almost pitied them. But, I guess what goes around comes around.

Silently I walked into the small, broken down kitchen and grabbed (c/n) some pain killers and a glass of water and handed it to them. 

"Thanks (y/n). Means a lot. I think I'm going to go lie down for a while. Don't forget to check the mail before it gets dark." they said as they walked into their bedroom and closed the door with a slam.

Not even bothering to look at my appearance, I put on some slippers and walked out the door of the apartment and down the stairs to the community mail box.


Walking back in the apartment, I flipped through the mail. 

Bills, bills, bills. I thought. But then one letter caught my eye. I stopped dead in my tracks and looked at my name on the letter. Sudden memories of my parents came flooding through my mind.

Before I could start feeling dizzy, I looked at the return address in order to figure out who send it.

Ouran Academy? I don't remember applying to any schools.

 I broke the fancy wax seal and looked at the letter.

It read:

Ms. (F/N) (L/N),

        Hello Ms. (Y/n). This is the chairman of the prestigious school known as Ouran Academy. I know this is very sudden to ask of you, but we would be delighted to have you attend this school as a student on a music scholarship. You must be thinking, "Well, I never sent in an application. How is this possible?" Well, we have scouts across the world looking for students with bright minds to attend our high school. We look forward to having you here. We have arranged for the school's uniform to arrive at your home a week before orientation. Orientation is (insert date of choosing) and if you do not show up, it will become our understanding that you have chosen to not attend this school. thank you for your time and we hope to see you at Orientation!

- Chairman Suoh


This was too much to take in. 

A REAL high school? This is amazing! I can finally stop taking online classes!

Cracking a small smile, I speed-walked towards my cousin's room only to find them knocked out on their bed.

My smile soon dropped as regained composure and walked nonchalantly into my room and set my Ouran letter next to the letter from my parents.

I hope they're proud. I thought. 

My fingers once again lingered over the letter. Still nothing.

How will i know when I'm ready? When will I feel it?

Before any negative thoughts could get through my mind, I slipped into my bed and underneath the covers and wondered what my high school life would be like.


a/n: okay revising my shit writing is going to take a lot longer than i originally thought. but thanks for reads as usual! you guys rock.


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