Ch. 5: Me? Play For PEOPLE?!

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your pov

Its been a few weeks since I started going to Ouran and the Host Club and I have been pretty close.

'Please (Y/N)?"

"We just want to-"

"Hear one song!" the twins pleaded. They knew about my fear for playing my viola in front of people. I was involuntarily shaking. 

(A/N: By this time Haruhi taught all of the boys sign language)

I signed "I cant! You all know I can't play for people!". 

"Please (Y/N)-chan?" Honey looked at me with his pleading puppy dog eyes when out of no where, Tamaki popped up 

"DONT PRESSURE MY BELOVED PRINCESS" he began and I just sighed.

I pulled out my biology book and chopped him in the middle of his head. Steam emitted from his head as he sat in his legendary emo corner Even the twins were hiding out of fear. No one is safe when I'm mad. I looked at them with guilt and reluctantly pulled my viola out of its case. I set the instrument gently on my shoulder and began playing the same song I played at my parents' grave because it was the only song I knew by heart. Little did I know that the twins had a devilish smirk plastered on their faces.

Before i knew it, the entire Host Club and their guests were in there listening to me. The song had finished and i heard...clapping?

Various "Bravo"'s and "Wow"'s reached my ears and i froze in my place. 

The Host Club camep to me and dragged me into the next room to calm down.

"Thanks" i signed. 

"Wow (Y/N)-chan! Your super DUPER GOOD! No WONDER you got a scholarship!" Honey said. I smiled at him.

"My princess, that was lovely! Maybe we could do a duet sometime!" Tamaki suggested and I nodded.

"Good job...(Y/N)-san" Mori said. I was stunned.He never speaks! Then again neither did I, but still! I thanked him as Haruhi gave me a big hug. 

"That was amazing (Y/N)!" I smiled slightly

"You were slightlyout of tune Miss (Y/N). But you were wonderful" Kyoya chimed. I smirked and rolled my eyes as lastly the twins came up.

"Sorry we-"

"Forced you to do that." they sulked. I walked up to them and gave Hikaru and Kaoru a kiss on the cheek each.  Hikaru's jaw was dropped and Kaoru's face was red. 

These people are strange.. I thought But they're the first people to make me feel...happy. I giggled as I felt roughly 14 arms around me. I touched my cheeks to see that I was crying. Ah. So THESE are tears of joy?


A/N: Sorry for being so inactive guys! I got a little writers block so any suggestions on how you thing the story should go? This is kind of a filler chapter I guess but i will be writing tomorrow! Lastly THANKS FOR VOTING GUYS AND FOR 100+ READ! KEEP READING!

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