Ch. 3: Meeting Haruhi and the Twins

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your pov
beep. beep. beep. bee-
I cut off the alarm and jumped out of bed. Finally the first day of school! I ran into the showers and got out as soon as possible. I quickly did my hair and looked at the two uniforms lying on my bed. One was a distasteful yellow dress going down to my shins with a white collar and red ribbon around the neck, seemingly choking all who wear it. The other was a light blue suit jacket paired with black slacks. I looked at both, decided against the yellow dress and pulled out white knee high socks and a black skirt. I put on the top half of the men's uniform along with my skirt and socks and headed out the door with a granola bar in my left, viola in my right, and my backpack on my back.
I waved a taxi over and headed towards this school with no expectations whatsoever. Looking out the window I noticed that the storm hasn't passed. Sighing I stuck my earbud in my ear and drifted off the sleep.
After being tapped on the shoulder, I woke up with a man saying "We're here. Pay up." I handed him 20 and stepped outside with an hour to spare. I gaped at the size of the school and wandered through the gate, attempting to find the office. After what felt like an hour but only 10 minutes passed, I found the office and the lady smiles as she hands me a map of the school and my schedule. I look all around for my classes but I know that one hour is not enough time to look for them so I decide to spend all my time looking for my first and second classes. I was deep in concentration when I bumped into a short, brown haired girl in a men's uniform.
"Sorry. Are you new here?" she asked. I only nodded. She had politely asked for my schedule as I hand it over to her.
"We have our first, third, last classes together! Let me show you the way." she smiled.
Wow if all people here are THIS nice I might like it here. I thought.
We walked into a large classroom when two twins approached us.
"Hello Haruhi!" the one on the left said.
"Who's the new kid?" asked the other.
"This is...actually what is your name?" the girl I now knew as Haruhi asked. I told her in sign language that I don't like to talk and that my name is (y/f/n). She only nodded, not wanting to pry any further. The twins gave each other a questioning look and then looked at Haruhi for the answer.
"She said her name is (y/f/n) and that she doesn't like to speak." said Haruhi
The twins looked at each other with a look I couldn't read. I tilted my head to the side as Haruhi waved me over to sit by her. I obliged and I wrote a small note not wanting to embarrass her asking if she was a girl. When she read it she seemed shocked at first then her expression fell into a light chuckle.
She wrote back on the note saying
I knew you were very observant. Yeah I am :)
She looked over and smiled at me...and for the first time in six years...I smiled back.
A/N: Konnichiwa! I hope your enjoying it so far. please comment if it's good or things I need to change.
~ author-chan

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