Choice 2: Kyoya

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"I choose...Kyoya-senpai."

While Kyoya had a smirk on his face and a glint on his glasses, I gathered some longing looks from some while Kyoya gathered some looks of burning hatred.

"Wow (y/n)-chan! I had no idea you would pick the Kyoya-senpai!" Haruhi laughed. I slightly giggled along with her.

"Ne (y/n), why did you choose Kyo-chan?" Honey asked with a little sadness in his eyes.

Why did I choose him?

With a little smile I answered with a shrug.

Who knows honestly? My mind just kinda went that way, you know? It kind of just felt like the right decision...

"Come along, dinner is ready." Kyoya said, slightly happier than before.

time skip

"Alright guys, because it was so late, my chef only cooked a small dinner"

Oh my goodness THIS is a small dinner? It has three courses! Each with three different options! DIFFERENT!

Noticing I was quite surprised, Kyoya walked over and let out a chuckle

"(y/n) dearest, you'll catch flies with your mouth open like that" he said with a wink

What an ass.

Replying like any normal person would, I stuck my tongue out at him.

Sitting down at a long dining room table, the chef brought out the first course. Then the second course. Then the third course. But everyone aside from me and Haruhi only took a single bite out of each course! What a waste! I pulled out my drawstring bag like I would at my cousin's when he would have parties and such and put each course inside my bag.

I could feel everyone's eyes on me. Mostly humorous looks, but Haruhi gave me a little smirk as she held up her already full purse. We shared a little giggle across the room which soon snowballed into an entire house full of laughter. Most of which didn't even know why they were laughing!

When the laughter died down, Kyoya stood up and said "Time for bed. Good night to you all. Sleep well."

As he motioned for me to go near him, I signed goodnight to everyone and walked upstairs with Kyoya as his hand was at the small of my back. This time, I didn't feel like he was judging me or anything of the sort. It actually felt...sweet. His touch was gentle and made me melt. Of course I'd never tell anybody that.

Time skip to about 3 a.m.

Waking up abruptly from the most wondrous dream I had where I wasn't a complete mess, I heard a huge thunder clap along with some lightening that I could see from the window. I smiled, thinking about the memories me and my parents had. They knew how much I had loved the sound of thunder and the look of lightening. I remember not being able to sleep because of the beautiful sounds of thunder, waking up Mama and Papa because of my excitement. I remember singing songs about the rain and how we'd sing until I fell asleep.

Pulling a chair up to the window and sitting down, I wrapped a blanket around myself and started humming the most recent song that I can remember.

I felt tears forming in my eyes before they fell down my cheeks.

Quickly, I wiped my tears after hearing the sheets rustle slightly and Kyoya sigh.

"(y/n)? Why are you up at this hour? Your should be in bed." He said as he walked towards me. "Are you scared?"

I shook my head with a smile.

"Just thinking about some old memories and stuff." I signed.

Knowingly, Kyoya put on a shirt and pulled up a chair beside me. I shared my blanket with him as we just sat in silence. Soon, he was too tired to carry his own weight and he snuggled up against me.

He is kind of adorable when he's asleep I thought as I looked at his adorable snoring face.

Slightly after he fell asleep, my eyelids grew heavy and drooped until the thunder had ceased and lightening slipped from my vision.


A/N: Yay! how do we feel? Good hopefully? I'm hoping you all enjoy this choice thing. It will continue if you guys like this enough. The choices will mostly be copied and pasted as well as adjusted to each of the characters personality. Such as certain sayings said by the character in this chapter will not be said the same way as the character in the next chapter which might influence the way you respond. But overall it will be the same.


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