Rei And Elizabeth

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Wide eyes stared at the severed head that was stabbed on a spike. The girl clutched the door handle tightly. Her heart beating violently in her chest as the smell of blood filled her nostrils. The girl's vision became a bit fuzzy as she walked toward the head. Blood dripped down from the spike. She approached the head, his eyes looking directly at her.

The girl didn't know what came over her. Her mouth remained gaped as she finds herself reaching out for the head. Once her hand cupped his cheek, she didn't receive a smile like how she usually would have. The girl's lip started to tremble as her eyes started to gloss over. Not caring about getting blood on her, the girl wrapped her arms around the spike, her cheek planted against the head. Her eyes shut tight as she opened her mouth and screamed.

Her own screams echoed in Rei's ears as she woke up. She hasn't had a nightmare about Ryuuji in a long time. Finding his severed head once she returned home with his body parts scattered around the house. Rei shot up from her bed with her breathing coming out rapidly. Sweat dripping down her forehead, Rei clutched her head as she tried to calm herself down.

Once her breathing went back to regular, Rei glanced out the window. The moon shining brightly outside. Rei remembers Ryuuji taking her to the highest cliff, away from the village, whenever the moon was full just to stargaze. It was a tradition they did every month ever since the blacksmith took her in. Rei shut her eyes tightly, her hand gripping the bedsheet.

"And here I thought the dreams stopped coming," she muttered before getting up and grabbed her cloak.

Rei quietly walked to her window and opened it. She climbed out before heading straight for the roof. When she found a good spot, Rei sat down. Her knees were brought up so she could wrap her arms around them. Rei looked up at the moon. Oh, how she wishes for Ryuuji to be with her right now. He would tell her some corny dad joke, which she will pout and make fun of him for, before patting her on the head. A whole evening spent just looking up at the sky.

"Lady Rei?" she heard someone spoke tiredly below her. Rei glanced down to see Elizabeth looking out her window. Elizabeth tried to climb up but she was struggling. Rei would have helped but she wanted the girl to suffer for ruining what little quiet she had. All though, she would catch Elizabeth if she slips and falls so she wouldn't have to hear Meliodas scold her.

Which almost happened. Elizabeth accidentally slipped and was about to fall down but Rei grabbed the girl by the hem of her skirt and threw her next to her. Rei let out an annoyed sigh as she placed her chin on top of her knees.

"Thank you," Elizabeth said. She sat up straight. 

"What you doing out here?" Rei asked blankly.

"I thought you might be chilly so...I brought you a blanket." That's when it dawned on Elizabeth that she dropped it. "Which I dropped. I'm sorry, Lady Rei."

"Enough with the formalities. Rei's just fine."

Rei wanted the conversation to end there. She just wanted to enjoy the quiet and get that nightmare out of her head. Unfortunately, Elizabeth could see something was troubling the raven-haired girl.

"Is everything ok?" she asked. Rei didn't utter a word. Her eyes glanced up at the moon again.  "My father always told me if something is bothering you then you shouldn't keep it bottled up."

"Your father's an idiot." Rei glanced at the princess to see the hurtful look on her face. She rolled her eyes. "Just had a nightmare, don't worry about it."

"It must be serious if you're out here alone. Does Sir Meliodas -"

This time Rei grabbed Elizabeth by the collar of her pajama shirt glared at her. "He knows enough to leave me alone." Which is half true. Meliodas is the only person Rei opened up to about Ryuuji. When he found Rei, she was nothing but a lost soul looking for revenge. And that bloodlust almost got her killed. She might have died if he didn't save her. "Which is something you should think of considering."

Elizabeth knew right then and there that Meliodas must have meant something dear to her if she's getting worked up like that. That's probably the only thing she knew about the girl. Otherwise, Rei is a complete mystery to her.

Rei tsked before roughly letting go. "You shouldn't even care. It's my problem."

"But I do care!" Elizabeth exclaimed. "You might not like me but I consider you as my friend! And I'm not gonna leave knowing something is upsetting you."

Friend? Rei asked in disbelief. She wasn't friends with many people. Hell, she's fine being friends with just Meliodas and Hawk. But Elizabeth is willing to admit that she considers Rei a friend, it struck something in her.

"I never said I didn't like you," Rei admitted flatly. Elizabeth smiled. "You just annoy me most of the time."

"That's...a start."

Rei looked up at the sky one last time before getting up. She removed her cloak before wrapping it around Elizabeth. "I'm heading back inside," she said. "You can give my cloak back later."

It was a small gesture but Elizabeth appreciates it. Rei jumped from the roof and swung into her room. She landed with a soft thud.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" she asked Meliodas, who stood next to the window."

"I don't know what you're talking about," he lied. "My two favorite girls are getting to know each other."

Rei gave him a suspicious glance. "How did she know to go to my room then?"

Meliodas shrugged his shoulders. "Beats me." He started to scratch the back of his neck. "You should tell her about Ryuuji."

This time she glared at him. "The only reason you know about him is because you were there. You wouldn't even know about him if I had the choice."

"Yeah, but you love me too much. You would have told me eventually." He placed his hands on his hips. "You know, it's not bad to let someone in." Meliodas soon walked out. "Just something you should know."

Rei's eyes squinted as he left before she scoffed. "Whatever."


A/N: What are your thoughts about the new season?

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