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Once they reached the tavern, Meliodas sat Mead down while Rei leaned against the wall. Mead was staring at Rei with heart eyes and a goofy grin. Meliodas could practically see the hearts floating above the boy's head.

"Well, I've definitely done things that sucked less," Meliodas began. "Tell me, kid, why did they all -"

Mead snapped back into reality and glared at Meliodas. "Don't call me that. You're a kid, too."

"No, I'm really not, actually."

He sure acts like one, Rei deadpanned in her head.

Mead looked around the place. "What is this, a tavern?"

"Yeah, the Boar Hat. It's my place."

"Well, I'm hungry."

"If you answer my questions, I'll make sure you get some food."

"Nope, food first."

"Trust me, kid, you don't want the food here," Rei said.

Mead shook his head. "I want food." Then he pointed at Rei. "And I want her to serve it to me."

Meliodas was trying, and failing, to hold in his laughter while Rei's eye twitched a bit. He slid next to Rei and gave her a teasing grin.

"You heard the kid," he slyly stated. "He wants you to serve him. Maybe you should wear the uniform, he'll definitely answer our questions."

Rei gave Meiodas a death glare. "I'm not wearing that thing," she said very calmly, which made her scarier. "You make me wear that thing, I'll burn the whole tavern."

"Oh, well, doesn't hurt to try," Meliodas responded before going to the kitchen.

Mead was glaring at the blonde. "Who is he? Your boyfriend?"

"No," Meliodas and Rei answered. Meliodas with a grin while Rei had a blank look.

"Rei's just my friend. But we have been traveling together for a while," Meliodas continued as he placed Mead's food on the counter. "Just think of me as her uncle."

Rei rolled her eyes and grabbing Mead's food. "That's one weird way of putting it," she said before almost tossing the food on the table. "There, don't say I didn't warn you."

Mead's mouth was watering at the 'delicious' looking food before him. "What are you talking about? That looks great." He picked up the turkey leg. "I can't wait to dig into this."

The boy took one big bite. Rei looked at Meliodas and held up three fingers before counting down. Right as she reached one, Mead's eyes widened in disgust and began vomiting up his food. Meliodas had an amused grin while pouring himself some ale for him and water for Rei.

"Told you it wasn't good," Rei said flatly.

Meliodas handed Rei her water before going over to the table and sat in front of Mead. "So, is it true?" he asked. "All that stuff about you being friends with the Seven Deadly Sins?"

Mead responded with, "Your food gave me amnesia."

Mead jumped a bit as a sword stabbed itself in the middle of the table behind him. He tilted his head back and jumped when he saw a scary-looking Rei leering over him.

"Listen here, kid. We gave you food and now you're going to tell us everything you know. I'm usually one not for harming a child but I will grab you by your ankles and dangle you outside that window until you start talking."

Meliodas thought that would sure scare the life out of the kid. Instead, his heart's eyes grew bigger and said, "Wow, what a woman. You even smell like Vanya Ale." His nose caught a whiff of the drink. "Wait, that is Vanya Ale?" He looked at Meliodas. "You're drinking it?" Meliodas's response was taking another big gulp from his tankard. "Hey, should a kid your age really be drinking that?"

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