Not So Happy Reunion

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Just as all the fake Elizabeths vanished, they were revealed to be imps. The imps grunted as they tried to escape into the forest.

"Look at that. They're just hide-and-seeks!" Hawk informed them. "Prankster imps! We thought they were the monster of the forest?"

"After them!" Meliodas ordered. He was about to run, but Rei's sword blocked his way. He glanced up to see her glaring down with a dark aura surrounding her.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" she sneered.

Meliodas grinned. "Oh, yeah." He moved toward Elizabeth and hand her panties back. "You might need these before Rei kills me." Elizabeth gasped as a light blush danced across her cheeks. "Later!"

"You stole my underwear?" Elizabeth cried as she pulled Rei's cloak right around her. Meliodas ran before Rei could punch him. "Is that why you gave me your cloak, Lady Rei?"

"Princess, just put your underwear back on before he comes back," she said before running after them. Elizabeth gasped before she quickly put on her underwear and followed Rei.

"Keep a sharp eye on them, guys! There's probably something they're headed for in that direction," Meliodas instructed.

Elizabeth caught something up ahead. "Wait, look. It's a girl."

"Oh, no way!" Hawk gasped. "You don't think they're planning to attack her, do you?"

"A defenseless little girl like that?"

"I know, right?"

"You two might wanna rethink that," Rei stated. Hawk and Elizabeth looked at her confusingly until they realized what she was talking about. The little girl? Well, she's more like a giant.

"Lady Diane!" one of the imps cried for her. Rei grabbed her cloak from Elizabeth and wrapped it around herself before pulling her hood up. "Lady Diane."

Rei noticed a tattoo on Diane's hip. "Meliodas?" she called out before looking at him. But the look he was giving her was all the confirmation she needed.

"Lady Diane! We accidentally let some Holy Knight trespassers come in!" another imp cried. "Lady Diane!"

Holy Knights? Rei thought cautiously. This can't be good.

Rei moved to stand in front of Elizabeth and Hawk. "Stay behind me," she ordered them.

"Lady Diane!"

Diane gasped as he eyes shot open. Hawk began to whimper as Diane stood up.

"Wait a minute," Elizabeth breathed. "Is she the Sin Giant who..."

"Some Holy Knights got in, huh?" Diane asked as if she's getting ready to attack.

"Whoa! She's huge!" Hawk squealed.

Elizabeth shook her head. "No! We are not Holy Knights. We came here..." Rei's eyes widened as she felt a gust of wind. Diane grabbed Meliodas. "He's gone."

"Not quite," Rei muttered. Hawk and Elizabeth followed her gaze and gasped.

"You're in trouble, Holy Knight," Diane sneered.

"Hold on. You're not gonna eat him, are you?" Hawk asked.

Elizabeth grabbed Rei's shoulder. "Do something, Lady Rei?!" she cried. Rei ignored her and just kept her eyes on Diane and Meliodas. "She's going to hurt Sir Meliodas!"

Diane furrowed her brows. "Huh? Sir Meliodas?" She pulled Meliodas closer until he was right in front of her eyes.

"Yo, Diane! What's it been, like ten years?" Meliodas greeted.

Diane grumbled until her mood drastically changed. Her eyes held a little glint in them as she shouted happily, "Captain!" She brought him closer and began rubbing his cheek. "Captain! Captain! Captain! Captain! Captain! Captain!"

Half of Rei's face was blue. And I thought Elizabeth was bad enough.

"I've missed you so much," Diane continued. "It seems like it's been forever!"

"Captain?" Elizabeth repeated.

"Hang on," Hawk began. "A giant chick with pigtails is one of the Seven Deadly Sins? Diane, the Serpent Sin of Envy?"

Hearing Hawk's voice brought Diane back into reality. She gasped when she saw Hawk. "Oh...Captain, you thought of everything, haven't you? You remember how much I love whole roasted pig!"

"Hey, wait! Don't eat me, lady!" Diane grabbed Hawk and started a fire. She tied him up and held his body over the fire. "That's hot!"

"How can I eat you without cooking you first?" Diane asked.

Rei sighed in annoyance as she went over and grabbed Hawk before he could cook. "Yes, because he would let you eat the talking pig," Rei replied sarcastically before dropping Hawk. Hawk yelped as he landed on his burnt rear and began cooling himself down.

Diane noticed Rei and Elizabeth. "Who are they?" she asked.

"Uh, a pleasure to meet you, Lady Diane," Elizabeth began. "My name's Elizabeth and, uh..." Diane's eyes began roaming over Elizabeth's and Rei's body noticing their figures. "I asked Sir Meliodas if he'd allowed me to travel with him and Lady Rei." A small fire began lighting inside Diane's stomach. Two girls traveling with Meliodas? Her Meliodas. Diane is beyond pissed.

"So, it's just the three of you then?"

"Plus the pig you tried to roast," Rei commented blankly.

"Oh, is that so?" Diane asked Meliodas with a tone that seemed like she caught him cheating.

Meliodas nodded. "Yup, and we, uh -"

Rei's eyes widened as she grabbed Elizabeth and Hawk in time to avoid Diane's attack. She slammed Meliodas to the ground, which created a small quake.

"You filthy womanizer!" Diane shouted as Meliodas, with a smile on his face, was tossed across the forest.

"Ok," Meliodas began slowly just as Rei landed on the floor and dropped Elizabeth and Hawk.

Diane sunk onto her knees and began bawling her eyes. "After all this time, I'm finally back with the man I love, but now he's with two other women! You've just broken my heart into a million pieces! But still, if you have an explanation, I'm ready to listen."

Rei looked disgusted at the suggestion. "She can't be serious," she muttered. "Like I'll ever fall in love with that perverted idiot."

Meliodas walked closer to Diane. "Honestly, there's not a -"

Diane punched the very spot Meliodas stood and repeatedly kept punching. Rei was getting another headache as she watch Diane beat the crap out of Meliodas.

"I don't wanna hear your excuses!" Diane cried. "You're nothing but a lying, perverted, philandering little..."

"Think he's ok?" Elizabeth asked Rei.

"Of course the idiot's ok," Rei muttered. "But she's getting on my nerves."

"Did she have a relationship with Sir Meliodas?"

Rei let out an annoyed sigh. "No. Meliodas would have bragged about hooking up with a giant and stealing her panties. This chick's nuts."

"You're a bit jerk!" Diane screamed. "You hear me?"

Rei grabbed Elizabeth and Hawk before shielding them with her body. Diane's last attack pretty much destroyed half of the forest. 

Don't tell me the other Sins are crazy like her.

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