Oh, No! It's an Army of Elizabeths

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After traveling from village to village the group found themselves in front of the Forest of White Dreams. Hawk stook by Rei's side as they wander deep into the forest where Meliodas said they'll find one of the next Seven Deadly Sins. Through the misty fields, they found no signs of life force anywhere. No animals, no people, just a bunch of trees hidden around the fog.

"Hey, Meliodas, are you sure about this?" Hawk wondered. "We've been out here three hours now. There's no sign of any animals much less any humans either."

"You're right, Hawk," Elizabeth agreed. "Sir Meliodas, do you really think we'll be able to find one of the Seven Deadly Sins here?"

"Probably," Meliodas answered.

"You mean, we came here without any solid evidence?!" Hawk asked angrily.

Rei tsked. "If you don't like it then go back to the tavern," she said. She looked back at Elizabeth. "Same to you, princess. If we do get jumped it's better if we don't have to worry about saving your ass."

"I heard there's a terrifying monster who lurks around here. Watching and waiting," Hawk stated which made Elizabeth scream. "What is it?"

"I - I can feel something grabbing me from behind," she screeched.

Rei looked back and glared as she saw Meliodas groping Elizabeth's behind from under her skirt.

"Relax, just me," Meliodas said.

Elizabeth let out a breath. "Oh, good."

Rei punched Meliodas upside his head. "Knock it off!" she shouted. How is she ok with him groping her like that? Then she felt something on her behind and saw Meliodas doing the same thing to her. She growled before she punched him again. "I'm about to cut your hand off!"

"Sorry, I thought you were getting jealous," Meliodas teased. Rei glared at him. "I see. You...were not."

"Do you have any evidence or not?" Rei asked.

"As a matter of fact, maybe. Traveling through the Forest of White Dreams on horseback is more difficult than you think. It's so hard to get your bearings that experienced travelers go around it."

"This would be the perfect place for someone to hide out!" Elizabeth beamed.

"Or hide the bodies," Rei piped up.

Suddenly, Elizabeth's eyes widen. "Hold on." Rei gave Elizabeth a confused look when her hands went around to grab her behind. "Something doesn't feel right." She gasped. "They're gone! I don't understand."

Rei let out an annoyed breath when she realized what happened. Did you really steal her underwear, you perv?

"You ok?" Hawk asked.

Elizabeth began to blush as she pushed her skirt down further. "Sure! Just fine."

Meliodas grinned before he hand Hawk began walking. Elizabeth began to think about all the possible scenarios that led to her underwear getting stolen. So lost in thought, she didn't see Rei taking off her cloak before wrapping it around her.

"Try not to bend so much," she instructed. "Just be glad there's no breeze."

Elizabeth pulled the cloak tighter. "Thank you, Lady Rei!" She jumped back when she saw the evil stare Rei was giving Meliodas.

"I'm going murder that pig."

Hawk stopped and spun around. "Come on, slowpoke! Pick up the pace, would yeah?!"

Rei began walking forward. "How about I turn you into bacon?" Hawk screeched. "Maybe sausage."

"Woah," Meliodas said, but for a much different reason.

There wasn't just one Hawk anymore. Now stood a group of Hawks and they all let out a squeal.

"Don't be mean, Rei!" the Hawks cried. Soon they realized there was more than one. "Huh?! It's a herd. They're all me."

All the Hawks began to panic.

"This is the monster of the forest?" Elizabeth questioned.

"I, for one, find it terrifying," Meliodas said.

Rei let out a breath. "Great, more annoying pigs."

"WHO YOU CALLING ANNOYING?!" the Hawks spoke.

They all began to run to Meliodas in begged him to save the real Hawk. Meliodas wasn't sure what to do or know which one is the real Hawk, so he rushed right through the herd and knocked them all down. When that failed, a bunch of them went to Rei, who glared at them so they changed direction and went toward Elizabeth before hiding behind her. Then the most unexpecting thing happened, all the fake Hawks soon turned into a bunch of Elizabeths. The only one not complaining was Meliodas.

"Hi, Sir Meliodas," they gushed.

"It's me. You realize that, right?"

"No, here, I'm the real one."

"Don't trust them. It's really me."

"Great, I'm in hell," Rei muttered. She soon pulled her sword out. "Great, now to kill all of them."

"Wait, Lady Rei!" they all cried.

Meliodas reached out and grabbed Rei's arm. "Hold on a minute," he said. He began to soak in the group of Elizabeths. "Wow, what a bevy of boobies."

"Now isn't the time!" Rei and Hawk scolded him.

Suddenly a creepy voice told them, "Leave this place...Leave...Get out of this forest, human..."

There was a sound of twigs snapping and soon an army of Elizabeths came out of the forest and ran toward them. "Sir Meliodas."

"Sir Meliodas."

Meliodas crossed his arms and said, "Huh? I can't tell one from the other."

The group jumped on him. "Sir Meliodas!"

"Rei," Meliodas said. Rei nodded in understanding. She grabbed Hawk before they all jumped out of the way, confusing Elizabeths A - Z. Meliodas landed on a small cliff near them while Rei landed on a tree branch. "Oh, my goodness. However, can I tell which of you is the real one?"

"That's me," one said.

"You can trust me," a different one added. "I'll do whatever you want."

Meliodas grinned. "Yes! Starting now I want all of you to do exactly what I tell you to." That got their attention. "What do we say?"

"Oh, of course!"

Meliodas plopped himself down. "Ok, right hand up in the air." The Elizabeths began following orders. "Left one on your cheek. Now call out my name...and be naughty."

"Sir Meliodas, hi!"

Rei was getting ticked off. He's enjoying this way too much.

"Now...squeeze your boobs." All the girls gushed as they squeezed their own chests. "This is amazing."

"Just find the real one before I murder all of them!" Rei shouted.

"Get out...Leave now," that creepy voice said again. "You will never make it out of this forest."

Meliodas nodded. "I've got it. One last thing. Jump as high as you can."

All the Elizabeths screeched before jumping really high. All except one.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that," the real Elizabeth said. Rei set Hawk down before she pulled her sword out and slashed all the fake Elizabeths in half. When she landed she slowly placed her sword back on its silt. RIght when it closed, all the fake Elizabeths disappeared.

Rei glared at Meliodas. "Give her back her underwear already!"

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