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I can't believe I'm stuck with him.

Rei sat inside the Boar Hat. Her hood was up as she took a small sip of her ale. She wasn't much of a drinker but it was a full house tonight, she needed something to drown out the drunken men coming in and out of her friend's tavern. He wanted her to work for him but she declined it with a deathly glare, especially after seeing the outfit he wanted her to wear. She owed him a life debt but that doesn't mean she was willing to work for him in that small outfit. Or work at all.

She kept a straight face when Meliodas brought the meat pie to one of the tables. Sure, it looked delicious but Meliodas's food was so disgusting it makes them want to throw up. Rei learned that the hard way. The first day she slept at the Boar Hat, he made her that dish. She threw it out and said it was disgusting before making her own meal. Meliodas was used to his friend's sass.

She rolled her eyes when the men took one bite before throwing up everywhere. The booze in the Boar Hat was great, the food...nasty. They almost punched Meliodas, which Rei watched. Meliodas snapped his fingers so their pig companion, Hawk, could eat up the mess.

"Hey, Rei, why don't you come say hi?" Meliodas waved to his partner.

"No," Rei said. Just then, one of the drunken men sat next to her. He had a toothy grin on his face while he tried to flirt with her. Rei didn't give him the chance when she pushed the guy away from her. "Why am I here again?"

Meliodas grinned at her. "Because I saved your life."

Rei rolled her eyes as the front door opened. A man held the door open. Sweat dripping down his face while he tried to catch his breath. He was telling everyone how he saw a rusty knight walking around and swore it was one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

If they only knew who Meliodas really is. They would be running out of here. Rei's gaze landed on the wanted posters of the said Sins. His picture looks nothing like him. He looks more mature than this Meliodas.

Rei has heard the stories of the Seven Deadly Sins. How they slaughtered the Holy Knights ten years ago. All across the land, they were slaughtered. How the captain's death was more gruesome than the rest. With rumors like that, Rei was iffy about Meliodas when they first met. She owed him her life so she stuck with him for...almost two years now.

"Yeah, well, some spooky knight walking around in rusty armor sounds pretty ridiculous to me," a drunk man said. "Come on."

Others started laughing with him. Rei rolled her eyes as she almost took another sip of her drink. Her tankard barely touched her lips when she heard a loud clank outside. Everyone stopped what they're doing, even her. She set her tankard down and her hand went towards the hilt of her sword. The door slowly opened while she got up. There was someone walking in with a rusty knight costume. Rei went in front of Meliodas, ready to attack the intruder as he took weak steps towards them.

"The...Seven...Deadly...Sins," the knight grunted.

"It's here!" The drunks in the bar yelled before running out.

Meliodas jumped over the bar and stood next to Rei as he glared at the knight. "Now, who are you?" he asked. The intruder didn't say anything before swaying back and forth. Rei furrowed her brows as the knight collapsed back. Its helmet flew off and she was surprised by the visitor.

"It's a girl," she stated shockingly.


Rei found out the girl before them isn't part of the Seven Deadly Sins. She was leaning against the wall as they thought about their little "guest."

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