Rei's Mental Breakdown

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Rei didn't want to be in the forest any more than they needed to be. She was getting quite annoyed when Meliodas had to explain to Diane why they were looking for her in the first place.

"So to finally put an end to all the corruption and stop the Holy Knights from rampaging, Elizabeth's trying to get the Seven Deadly Sins together," Meliodas finished before motioning to Rei. "As for Rei, I saved her life so she's been traveling with me until the debt has been repaid."

Diane looked away from the group in shame and embarrassment. "I didn't know about that," she pouted. "Guess I'm always the one who jumps to conclusions, aren't I? Forgive me?"

You think? Rei thought annoyingly.

"And I'm sorry I tried to eat you, piggy," Diane said to Hawk.

"You think that makes it all right?" Hawk snapped. "You stuffed my belly full of fruit and burned up my backside!" Diane gave Hawk a look that got the pig to shriek. "Uh, hold on...If you even think about laying a hand on me, then Rei's gonna let you have it!"

"Don't bring me into this, Porkchop," Rei deadpanned.


Hawk gasped when Diane began to examine Rei and Elizabeth. Her stare was making Elizabeth a bit uncomfortable.

"You both positive neither of you is having a relationship with the Captain?" Diane asked with a bit of suspicion in her voice.

"Uh, I'm not," Elizabeth answered.

"No. Your Captain isn't my type, to begin with," Rei answered and you can tell she wasn't interested in this conversation. "Never liked that pervert. And apparently, you don't have that kind of relationship either. So, what exactly would you have done if I was with him? I'm sure your Captain wouldn't like to hear you're threatening his plaything."

Meliodas sighed. "Now, now, Rei, your dark side is showing. And it's not in a form of laced panties." He looked at Diane. "Anyway, I'm just gonna do what I can to help Elizabeth gather the Seven Deadly Sins. 'Cause I wanna find them, too."

"Well, if you're sure that's the case, then I'll come along with you guys," Diane declared as she stood. Elizabeth gasped. "You'll have the help...of the Serpent Sin of Envy, the Giant Diane!"

"Really? That's great!"

"Thank you for joining us, Lady Diane!" Elizabeth beamed.

Rei sighed as Meliodas slyly slid next to her. "Oh, Rei," he sang. "Don't you have something to say to Diane? Rhymes with Blank Choo?"

"No," Rei said. "It's obvious she's only helping because you're helping."

Meliodas gave Diane a nervous chuckle while pointing to Rei. "Don't mind her, she's a big softie once you get to know her. You know what else is soft?"

He went to squish Elizabeth's breasts but Rei kicked him out of the way. His body went soaring across the destroyed forest until he hit a tree. Diane gasped at the action, now convinced that Rei doesn't have any romantic feelings toward him.

"Oh, thank goodness," one of the imps cheered.

"Finally, we can live in peace again!" the other said.

"For years, she's been threatening us, saying she'd make us all pay if we didn't give her shelter!" the third imp cried. The small group of imps began laughing awkwardly.

"They could be free now. So beautiful," Hawk said.

Meliodas emerged from the forest just as a crow squawked.

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