Rei and the Holy Knights

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It's been 14 years since Rei lived with Ryuuji. Ryuuji treated Rei as if she was his daughter and the whole village started to believe it. He taught her a few things like how to cook, how to forge weapons and armor, and even how to defend herself in case she was attacked.

Rei wanted to do something special for her father figure. She wanted to surprise him with a sword that she forged herself. Rei wanted to create the greatest sword someone could ever wield. It took her months to perfect it. It was tough to keep it a secret for so long because Ryuuji knew all the greatest hiding places within the house. Although, it would be all worthwhile to Rei once she sees his reaction.

She carefully carried the blade toward the house. When she entered her home, Rei heard something crash followed by a few people shouting. Not wasting another moment, Rei ran toward the noise. Three men wore armor that belonged to the royal palace, the Holy Knights. The middle man held a blade toward the side of Ryuuji's neck. Ryuuji made no move to attack. He didn't flinch, he wasn't as scared as people would have if they were in a similar situation. Rei saw the bloodthirsty look on the Holy Knight's face when Ryuuji didn't even show the slightest fear.

"Unless you're going to buy something, get your Holy Men and get the hell out of my house," Ryuuji stated very calmly but there was a small warning behind his voice. It was one said that things would have gotten ugly if they weren't interrupted.

The Holy Knight scoffed before he put his sword back in its sheath. He motioned for his men to follow him until he spotted Rei near the entrance. The Holy Knight smirked while making his way over with a look of lust radiating off him.

"Where have you been keeping her, old man?"  the Holy Knight questioned as he circled around Rei. He stopped in front of her with a flirtatious grin that might have made all the girls swoon but Rei felt nothing but utter disgust. "Hey, sweetheart, there's a tavern not that far from here. How about you ditch the zero and get with a hero?"

Rei glared at the man and was about to slap him, but there was a loud whooshing sound followed by a large clank. Ryuuji yanked out the sword from the smelter and held the blade close to the Holy Knight's neck, so close that he could feel the heat and started to sweat.

"I'd advise you to leave my daughter out of this, Diamante," Ryuuji growled.

The Knight, Diamante, turned his head slightly to smirk. "Wow, aren't you the protective parent?" The other knights pulled out their swords and pointed them toward Ryuuji and Rei. Diamante held his hand up to give the command to withdraw. "I'm in a good mood right now, but you know how easily it could change, Ryuuji."

Rei glared at the man as he moved away from the sword and walked around her, not before he gave her a smirk. Ryuuji exhaled once the doors closed, walked over to the barrel of water to shove the blade in, a perfectly good sword ruined.

"Who was that?" Rei wondered.

Ryuuji waved her off. "No one important. Just some jackass who wants me to sharpen his blades for free."

Rei detected the lie but didn't push. "You should have kicked his ass. I hate how those Holy Knights think they could get away with everything."

"Yeah, but I kick their ass, they send reinforcements, I go to prison. It's just an endless cycle that's not worth fighting over. Even so, no one got hurt." Rei glanced toward the broken vase. "I said no one got hurt, not 'nothing's broken.'"

Rei scoffed as she crossed her arms. Ryuuji couldn't help but smile before noticing the wrapped sword behind Rei's back. "Say, what do you got there?" he asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22 ⏰

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