Diane's Jealousy

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Meliodas wobbled his way over to Rei before she could charge at Gilthunder. Even if she was tied up, he doesn't doubt she'll find a way to kill the Holy Knight. Especially when Rei had this murderous gleam behind her eyes that make them go dull. Meliodas hasn't seen that look for...roughly seven years since she joined him. Mostly because he tried to avoid every Holy Knight they've met because of the girl's hatred for them.

"Rei, calm down," he whispered to her. "I promised you we'll find Ryuuji's murderer, didn't I?" Rei glanced at him. "You kill every Holy Knight we come across and they're gonna want to have your head." Elizabeth watched with curiosity. "You can't get revenge for Ryuuji if you're dead and I would have broken my promise to you."

Diane furrowed her brows as Rei's shoulders relaxed a bit. She wasn't sure what happened between the two but Meliodas must be important to Rei if he's able to calm her down that quick.

"For now, focus on protecting Elizabeth," Meliodas ordered.

Rei rolled her eyes but agreed nonetheless. Meliodas soon looked at Gilthunder as he explained what happened on the day the Grand Master was killed. The Seven Deadly Sins were summoned and found the Grand Master pinned in the air by a bunch of swords and spears. It was too late for them before they were ambushed by every knight in Liones. Meliodas suggested they split up and that was the last time the Seven Deadly Sins were together.

Captain, I'm sorry, is what he remembered.

"Those words are the last thing I remember," Meliodas said. "The rest is blank. Then the next thing I knew, I was lying down in a cellar somewhere. That's when I met Hawk."

"I knew it," Elizabeth gasped. "You really weren't the ones who killed the Grand Master, were you?"

"That makes no difference to me," Gilthunder said.

"Of course, it wouldn't, you overbearing little pr -" Rei started but was cut off by Elizabeth.

"What are you saying?"

Gilthunder stood behind Meliodas and placed his sword near his neck. "Rebels and traitors who plotted to overthrow the kingdom. That's all you people are."

Another brainless Holy Knight, Rei sneered. Unable to accept the truth when they're the corrupted scumbags that kill for the fun of it.

"Enough, you must stop this! Didn't you hear what he just told you? They aren't the ones who murdered him! Don't you understand?"

Rei gritted her teeth before snapping at Elizabeth. "Won't you get it through that thick head of yours? It doesn't matter what Meliodas says. Even if he's innocent, he's already planning on killing him and Diane. Maybe even Hawk and myself. And since you're royalty, he's gonna take you back to the kingdom."

Gilthunder looked at Rei, who pretty much got everything right, before his attention went toward Elizabeth. "She's right. The kingdom wants you taken into protective custody," he said. "But I haven't the slightest interest in that." He removed the blade from Meliodas's neck and pointed it at Elizabeth. "Alive or dead, it's all the same. To me, you are no more than a grain of sand on the road that is being traveled."

Rei couldn't take it anymore. She broke through her restraints and ran in front of Elizabeth. She took her sword out and held it up while glaring at Gilthunder. "Says the vulture that's waiting for the roadkill," she sneered.

Meliodas pouted. "Awe, Rei, you're no fun," he said as he and Diane broke from their restraints. He looked at Gilthunder's surprised face. "We could have escaped whenever we felt like it." He gave her a thumbs up. "But you did it for Elizabeth's safety, so I'll let it slide."

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