Plan C: Showing Affection

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Ushijima was out with Tendo during the weekend. Tendo's third plan was to buy something small and simple for Yano to earn her heart. According to him, it will help her to be more aware of Ushijima's feelings for her. Since Ushijima was still new to this type of feelings and situation, he just believed what Tendo says and followed.

As they were walking around, Tendo pointed at different items as a suggestion. However, those items just don't seem to catch Ushijima's eyes. They continued to look around until Ushijima came to a stop and pointed at a clip that was on display. "How about that?"

Tendo looked at it with excitement and nodded his head. "That seems simple enough! Go get it!"

Ushijima nodded before heading into the store to purchase it. As he was paying for the clip, the cashier smiled at him. "You must be getting this for your girlfriend."

Ushijima could feel the tip of his lips tugging upwards at the thought of him calling Yano his. Unfortunately, she was not his girlfriend yet. "She's not my girlfriend."

The cashier looked taken aback as she apologized. "Oh, I'm sorry, I thought-"

"But I am hoping she will be."

Her eyes widen as she smiled once again. "I'm sure that person will love this clip you got for her."

"I hope so." He then left the store with the clip with a satisfied look.

When Tendo saw him exit the store, he excitedly approached him. "You got it! Give it to her when you see her in school! Don't give it to her where everyone is watching though. You don't want to attract attention and make her uncomfortable."

Ushijima nodded his head. "Okay, but why would giving her the clip attract attention?"

"Wakatoshi-kun, you should know that you are quite popular in our school! Also, Yano doesn't like attracting attention."

He nodded his head once again. "I'll take note of it."

When the weekend was over, he was trying to find the right timing to give the clip to Yano. However, he just couldn't find the right timing since there were always people around them. In the end, he decided to give it to her before she heads inside her dorm. That was the only time when they were completely alone.

"Thanks for walking me back again, Ushijima-kun. Good night," she said before turning to open the door.

"Wait," Ushijima quickly stopped her.

Yano turned to look at him. "Is something wrong?"

He shook his head and gave her the clip that has been in his pocket the whole day. "For you."

She accepted the clip with wide eyes. "Really? I can take it?"

He nodded his head. "When I saw the clip, I had to get it for you."

Yano smiled as her face began to turn pink. "Thank you so much... It's so pretty..."

When Ushijima saw her blush, he remembered what Tendo has told him before. Apparently, it means she is feeling shy, but happy. This caused Ushijima to feel relieved. 'So she likes the clip.'

When Ushijima arrived at his dorm, he called Tendo to tell him that she liked the clip. When Tendo heard that, he exclaimed excitedly. "Great! You are making more progress!"

When Ushijima saw her the next day, he immediately noticed the clip on her hair. That caused him to be in a good mood for the rest of his day. Tendo noticed his good mood and pointed it out. "Wakatoshi-kun, you seem to be in a good mood than usual!"

Ushijima nodded his head. "Yano wore the clip today."

Tendo grinned. "It's time for the next plan then."

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