Plan E: Confession

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That evening, Tendo called Ushijima to ask him how his date went. Ushijima began to tell him how it went and how the both of them enjoyed it.

"That's great! Off to the final plan!" Tendo exclaimed.

"What's the last step?"

"Confession of course!"

"I can tell her that I like her? It's okay to tell her now?" Ushijima asked.

Tendo hummed at his words. "Her reaction always has been positive, so I think it is safe to say that she likes you back! You should confess to her soon! You need to do it since she isn't the type to confess!"

Ushijima nodded his head unconsciously. "Do I just go to her and tell her that I like her?"

"It will be better if you can make it a bit romantic. Hmm..." Tendo thought for some ideas. "Why don't you give her a single rose as you confess? I remember her favourite flower was rose."

"Okay, I'll do that," he replied. "When should I do it?"

"Ask her on another date soon! Then you can confess to her before you go on a date!" Tendo said with his usual excited tone.


"Good luck, Wakatoshi-kun!"

After the call with Tendo, Ushijima was able to ask Yano on another date which she accepted immediately. He made sure to buy a single rose before heading in front of her dorm just like their previous date. 

Yano spotted him near the entrance and immediately walked towards him with a smile. "Ushijima-kun! What are you doing here?"

"I thought I will come to pick you up like last time," he replied.

She continued to smile. "That's really sweet of you."

Ushijima nodded his head. "You look pretty today as well."

Yano blushed as she fidgeted her fingers. "T-Thanks... I wanted to make sure I look good..."

Ushijima tilted his head in confusion. "You always look good."

Hearing his words caused her to blush into a deeper shade of red. As she was trying to cover her blush, he held out the rose he got for her. Yano looked at him with confusion written all over her face. As she continued to stare at him, Ushijima spoke. "This is for you. I heard you love rose."

She looked touched as she smiled in happiness. She accepted it and smelled the rose. "Thank you so much! Did Tendo tell you that?"

Ushijima nodded his head. "I have something to say as well."

"What is it? I'm all ears," she said as she paid attention to him.

"I like you. I did for a while. Will you go out with me?"

She blushed once again as she nodded her head slowly. "I l-like you, too."

After hearing her response, Ushijima felt happiness filling his body up at a fast pace. "Then can I call you Ayane now?"

Yano nodded her head. "I'll call you Wa-Wakatoshi-kun..."

Ushijima smiled slightly which caused Yano to stare at him in a daze. Not taking note of her reaction, Ushijima hugged her tightly. He instantly was in a better mood as her calming scent began to fill his nose. 'What a pleasant scent.'

He smiled wider when he felt her wrap her arms around him as well. They were in each other's embrace for a while, sharing each other's warmth as Ushijima remembered Tendo's last advice. 'Wakatoshi-kun, always remember to show her affection, so that she doesn't feel anxious. She might think you don't like her anymore if you don't.'

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