Night Flights

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tags : renmin, fluff, online crush,      detained flights

“We’re deeply sorry but your flight has been cancelled and rescheduled for tomorrow morning at 9am.”

It was 11pm. His original flight was supposed to departure half an hour ago. Jaemin had to stay 10 hours at an airport. Alone. His phone was already running low on battery and he had packed his charger in his suitcase that is now somewhere out of his reach. He sighed as he scanned his surroundings for somewhere to chill and most likely sleep during the night. He found a bench slightly hidden in a corner, it was a metal with a black leather-cushion on top.

“Hey. I’m at the airport right now because I’m visiting my grandparents that live across the country. Here’s the funny thing, they cancelled my flight so I’m stuck for ten hours.” Jaemin typed the message and sent it to one of his best internet friends. The other boy’s username was Moominsoftie. He didn’t know his real name because he always referred to him as Softie. Jaemin had never seen his face but he had a lowkey crush on him because of his humor and unintentional flirting from time to time.

The tired Jaemin didn’t notice the boy who sat on the row of seats furthest away from him. Renjun had noticed Jaemin however, and he wanted to approach the ginger but he didn’t want to invade his privacy. He was stuck overnight as well but his flight left at 8am. His phone signaled a message right when he saw the ginger put his phone down. It was from Nana, an internet friend of his.

“What, for real? I’m also stuck in an airport overnight right now. Stupid storm.” He replied.

The brunette went back to observing the ginger, in a very subtle, curious way and not a creepy, rape way. Renjun noticed how the boy on the bench picked up his phone when he had just sent a message to Nana but didn’t think much of it. Renjun watched the ginger type and then stop. When the boy stopped typing, Renjun’s phone dinged.


“That’s a rare ass coincidence. That’s so cool! Stormy here too, I hate it.” Was Jaemin’s message.

“Oof. I know how much you hate storms. I would come to protecc if I could lol” Renjun replied quick and payed attention to the ginger a few meters away from him. Growing suspicious as his movements fit oddly well with the timing of the messages. The boy smiled at the message he received and replied instantly.

“omg stop it”

“never. SoftieNa will sail someday.” Renjun cringed at the way he mixed their usernames. He had no idea why he brought the subtle flirt even further, they had showed no signs off this much affection earlier. He liked it though, it almost gave him confidence when the other would get flustered over his witty messages.

Jaemin felt his cheeks heat up and he couldn’t stop smiling. He slapped his face a couple of times as he thought no one could see him. He fiddled with the string of his hoodie and somehow, he ended up nibbling on it, as a nervous habit.

Renjun chuckled at the stranger. Finding his movements way too cute for his own good.

That’s weird. He’s stuck in an airport at the same time as me. That boy over there happens to check his phone and type in tact with Nana sending messages to me. Wait. No. That would be crazy. It can’t be Nana, right? … Right?

Renjun grew nervous when the thought struck him. Could such a coincidence actually happen?

“Nana.” He stressed too much to type it all in one message. All he got in return was a question-mark. “I think we’re at the same airport.”

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