standstill (baby, you stop my time from ticking away)

837 17 1

by: angelnana

tags: renmin,fluff,super cute

(jaemin promises renjun he could make his time stop)

two days after they were officially together, renjun had asked jokingly, "what could you possibly promise me in this relationship?" while taking care of sick jaemin who was, as always, so whiny and craving for more attention. the latter had his body pressed up on renjun's back, despite renjun refusing earlier because he might get sick as well but jaemin was so annoying when he had a fever so renjun just kind of accepted the spooning. jaemin pondered for a good minute, tracing a random pattern on the back of renjun's hand, sniffing his boyfriend's scent through a mask renjun forced him to wear.

"a standstill,"

renjun snorted, "a what?"

jaemin sighed, rolling over on his back and pulling renjun with him in the process. he had his boyfriend in a loose side hug, and jaemin turned to look at him with twinkle in his eyes, as if he really wanted to make renjun believe. "a standstill. i can make your time stop when you are with me." jaemin received a soft laugh in return.

"aw, too bad your boyfriend right here," renjun pointed at himself, "is very much a realistic person, so that won't ever happen."

two months into the relationship, jaemin proves him wrong.

they are going for a mini picnic on a quiet park in yongsan, somewhere near the iconic namsan tower. renjun could say the spot isn't even romantic and certainly not the best choice for a couple-y picnic but jaemin has managed to decorate it nicely. a row of pine scented candles are guarding their picnic mat (white, it's renjun's favorite color), there are some baskets of daisies on every corner of the white mat, and renjun thinks, wow, what a nice way to hold the mat down. also, jaemin's homemade foods! this is one of the times renjun is grateful jaemin is his boyfriend because the younger is an undeniably good cook.

renjun takes a big bite of his egg mayo sandwich, looking up to see jaemin already staring at him. "what?" he almost barks, and jaemin chuckles at that.

"nothing, you are just really cute when you're eating," jaemin shrugs, flashing a smile that renjun really thinks is a weapon jaemin uses to make him weak, because, yeah, he is. and kinda whipped too. what the hell.

renjun mumbles a, "whatever," before taking another bite, knowing that his cheeks probably go red by now. he hopes half of the candles are blown out by the wind so jaemin won't notice it in the dim of light. but they are not.

jaemin softly laughs again, now dragging himself closer so that they are face to face and he leans down a bit, "and you are such a baby, too, injunnie. aigoo," he coos, his right hand reaching for renjun's face, "i thought you are older than me, but you still got mayonnaise on your lips." jaemin thumbs on the corner of renjun's mouth, and stops when he looks up to renjun staring at him, probably only realizes by now that they are so, so close. jaemin can feel the warmth of renjun's breath on his hand, on his face, on his whole body, and he doesn't know where does his confidence come when he asks, almost inaudible, as if he's talking to himself, "can i kiss you?"

silence ensues. the wind blows too gentle for jaemin's liking, because half of him is hoping for a gust to come and ruin the moment so renjun won't have any chance to answer—he isn't even ready for this, why did he even ask in the first place? renjun had made it clear one day, that he didn't want to rush. he wanted to take this relationship slowly, and jaemin had accepted it. that, including a few first months without kisses. jaemin respects renjun's decision, with his whole being, and they are happy with warm hugs and occasionally a peck on the cheek—but now he ruins it. renjun might be mad, probably wanting to slap him two times and jaemin wouldn't even flinch if that happens. he deserves it.

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