The Magic Shop

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by : BluebellBunny

tags : written at 4am, renjun likes shorts let him be, jaemin calls him princess ,,deal with it, human renjun,

Renjun was in awe by the shop he had entered, there were books everywhere on every shelf with different themes and topics no one could find in a normal bookstore or library. There were books on meta themes, universal and galactic topics, metaphysical information -all aligning the bookshelves. It was all Renjun could ever wish for. The store was empty though, which felt odd enough, but Renjun ignored it. He was in heaven, and no creepy atmosphere could take that away from him. He delved deeper into the small bookstore, ignoring the spiral staircase for now, he would come back again for sure. For now he spent time reading through the titles of the books on the first floor. When he crossed a small doorway, from the corner of his eye he could see a figure.

He turned immediately in curiosity, observing the dark-haired figure dressed in a dark coat, hunched over the table, reading through a book. If he noticed Renjun’s arrival, he didn’t show it. Only when Renjun cleared his throat, did the male look up, stealing Renjun’s breath away. The male was beautiful looking with sharp features -as sharp as his gaze, his lips turned into a smirk at the sight of Renjun, revealing a sharp set of teeth. “Hello there.”

Renjun mustered up a smile and trudged up to the other, oblivious to the male’s intrigued gaze as he eyed Renjun’s attire of an almost see-through white full-sleeve shirt and pink patterned short overalls -looking soft and delicate between the dark of the books and the store.

Renjun stared at the shelf behind the shopkeeper in wonderment, for the shelf was stacked with potion bottles that were for different situations. He didn’t know a magic shop could exist in this mundane world.

“Hi!” Renjun greeted back, a wide smile across his lips.

If possible, the male’s smirk widened. “Welcome to my store, princess, I’m Jaemin -the owner. How can I help you?”

Renjun blushed at the name, the male -Jaemin- leaned closer over the counter, but they were still feet apart. “I don’t know yet, this shop just has everything I desire!”

Jaemin hummed, “Even so, I will have to warn you, every item comes with a price.”

Renjun blinks in confusion. “Yes…I know how shops work.”

Taken aback, Jaemin cleared his throat. “You see, the price may be more than you expect to pay.”

“Yes, I know how taxes work too.” Renjun replied, smiling awkwardly..

Jaemin took a deep breath and straightened up. “I’m trying to tell you I’m evil and offering these items with no regard for the harm they will do -including the books.”

“I know what capitalism is, too.” Renjun answered.

Jaemin narrowed his eyes at him, until Renjun let a cheeky smile appear across his lips with his eyes twinkling in delight.

Jaemin started to smirk as he relaxed. “You’re messing with me.”

“Am I?” Renjun questioned innocently.

Jaemin tsked. “You are one special human, princess.”

Renjun smiled brightly. “Thank you, Jaemin -you odd human.”

“I’m not a human, princess.” He replied, showing off his sharp teeth.

Renjun pouted as he observed the other. Jaemin’s gaze set up on the smaller soft lips, subconsciously biting his own lip. “Then what?”

“I’ll tell you if you give me your name.” His grin widened.

Renjun, ever so naïve and curious, nodded. “I’m Renjun.”

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