To rid the thorns but keep the petals

818 16 2

by- Lewkash

tags : renmin,noren,mild angst,break up

Renjun leaned over the counter to give Jeno a peck on the corner of his lips. “Have fun with your night shift. See you tomorrow.” Jeno waved as he exited the gas station. Renjun sighed and sat down on the familiar stool behind the counter. He had to brace himself for a quiet, boring night as no one was able to take the night shift with him. He pulled up his phone and started watching a series on Netflix.

He felt a pair of eyes burning into his side. He looked up to see a coworker. Jaemin met his eyes with a stern gaze. “Are you still with that guy? I thought you two were just a short fling.”

“Why do you care? Ofcourse, they had to send you to the night shift. Great.” Renjun rolled his eyes, he was irritated. Jaemin always had something to pick on, or make fun off. He was never fun to have shifts with, especially not the night shift.

“Oh, come on.” Jaemin dragged another stool out of the break room and sat it beside Renjun’s. Renjun pulled his to the other side, clearly annoyed by the others presence.


The shift was long and tiring, they only had a total of six customers but staying up was difficult with nothing to do. The boys avoided each other as much as possible, only interacting when they absolutely had to. Making the night awkward and burdensome.

A week later the boss sent them both a message announcing that both of them will become night shift regulars from now on. Renjun was furious, he wanted to complain. Hell, he wanted to quit the damn job. Jaemin wasn’t exactly happy about it either but he dealt with it.

“Happy three months!” Jeno shouted as Renjun opened the door. Jeno was standing at his doorstep with a blue, heart shaped balloon in one hand and a fake black rose in the other. Renjun’s smile widened in surprise, happy to see him. He stood in his pajamas, ready to stay in for the day. Not really having the energy to go out.

“Come on. I have plans for us. Put on some fancy clothes.” Jeno let himself in to the house and closed the door behind him.

Renjun hugged him and smiled but didn’t say anything. He went upstairs to his room and closed the door behind him. He sighed. He did not want to go out at all but he had no other choice. He tossed the black rose to his desk. Jeno would do anything to bring Renjun with him, even if he had to force him out the house on a leash like he was a dog.

Jeno might look and come off as a good guy. He’s kind, caring and gets easily attached to the small things in life. His past had ruined him but no one knew because it didn’t show, or that’s what people thought. Jeno got hurt in his last relationship, he was verbally abused and left alone after just a few weeks. Now that Jeno finally had someone else to make him happy, he had no intentions of letting him leave. He was not going to be broken again.

The two boys went out, they ate out at a way too fancy and expensive restaurant to Renjun’s standards before they went to the cinema to see a movie. Renjun told Jeno he was tired after the dinner but Jeno begged him to join the movies.

It was becoming tiresome for Renjun. He was happy because he did love Jeno, he really did. The problem for Renjun was that Jeno was way to adventurous, he always had to do something. He could never have a movie night because he’d get restless and start complaining. Renjun was a chill person, he did like adventures but not so often. They were more special to him when they were rare.

“I love you, too.” Renjun didn’t look in to Jeno’s eyes when he said it. He hugged him but skipped the regular kiss. He was distancing himself subconsciously but Jeno didn’t notice at first. When Jeno did notice, he became scarier. He would show up to Renjun’s house without warning, he would stay the night when Renjun needed to relax, he would drag Renjun out to more thing he didn’t want to. He would force kisses and make-out sessions when Renjun wasn’t in the mood at all.

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