Jiushan Hot Springs

835 22 110

"If you don't mind me asking, how far is this place?" Aquarius asked.

"It's in the mountains, so we still have a while to go." Virgo answered.

"Can we...um..." Aquarius hesitated.

"No." Virgo denied him before he could finish.

"Can we take a bathroom break." Aquarius asked, looking uncomfortable.



"Fine." Virgo tapped on the wall of the carriage and it slowed to a stop.

"Go then. Hurry up." Virgo didn't move.

Aquarius nodded and left. When he left Virgo found himself relaxing a little. He was stiff the hold time, mostly focusing on not letting his knees touch Aquarius. He took a deep breath to bring himself together but his relief didn't last long. Aquarius came back inside and sat across from him again.

The carriage continued moving to its destination.

"Look what I found." Aquarius held some wildflowers.

"Aren't those weeds?"

"No! They're pretty." He held them close.

Virgo didn't argue further and let Aquarius do whatever he wanted. He hummed a tune while counting the flowers he got and picked out a yellow one.

"Want one?"

"I'm good."


"I'm good." He repeated.

Aquarius put the flower back in the bunch and sighed. The air was getting slightly colder since they were ascending the mountains. Eventually the carriage stopped moving.

"We're here." Virgo said and carefully got out.

"Yay!" Aquarius didn't like being in such a cramped space so when he got out he stretched first.

"What are you doing? Grab our stuff."

"Oh right!" Aquarius took out the luggage.

They walked into the hotel like lobby to check in.



"Reservation for two?"

"Yes." Virgo nodded.

"Looks like you booked the full package."

"Full package?...." Virgo blinked.

"Mhmhm so that includes unlimited time in the hot springs, access to our sauna, and a wonderful meal plan. Additionally, you booked the suite to stay in."


"Yes sir. Here are your keys. Everything has been paid for in advance so don't worry about anything and enjoy your stay here." The receptionist smiled.

Virgo reluctantly took the keys and sighed. There was no way to avoid him now, it was impossible.

"Don't worry, it shouldn't be a big deal! We've shared a bed before." Aquarius tried to make him feel better but it didn't help.

"I don't want to be here anymore." He mumbled while unlocking the door.

"I think we should enjoy it. Cancer worked hard and even sacrificed herself so that we can enjoy this trip."

"Sacrificed my ass, she created more trouble." Virgo scoffed.

Aquarius dropped the luggage in the room, frustrated.

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