Chapter 23

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We landed in a city South East of the mountain. There was no direct path to our destination so we carried on through the trees.

The trip wasn't long until a small boy with bluish hair appeared in the bush. I pushed at Rodney to make him go around and prevent a struggle.

"May where are you?" The boy called.

"He seems lost." Rodney stopped letting me push him. "We should help."

"Rodney there is nothing we can do, but scare a kid like that. We are three, well two powerful Pokemon and one powerful looking Pokemon." My brother earned a glare from Rod.

"Then let's scare him in the right direction." Rod remained set on helping the boy. "The nearest route is straight that way. Let's chase him to it."

"You are such a stupid Pokemon." My brother sighed and made his way to the correct spot.

"On three we will jump out on three sides and force him the right way. Firefox you go there." Rod made his way over to my brother and retold the plan.

We jumped out at the boy one at a time and he took off in the direction of the route. Rodney seemed so proud.

"Let's go nimrod." My brother chuckled and continued to the mountain.


Three uneventful days passed and we were finally starring into the face of Firona. There was large stone pillars, green grass and beautiful flowers as well as happy Pokemon dancing around.

A Flygon soared over to us and inspected us. "Who are you and why are you here?" It asked.

"We are here to wake Jirachi and ask for a wish." Rod spoke up.

"What kind of wish?"

"I want to be human again." Rodney looked down at his paws and curled his toes into the dirt. "Please help me." He looked up at the Flygon pleadingly and his puppy eyes seemed to work.

"Very well his resting place is this way." The Flygon led us into the heart of Firona. "Here it is."

I stepped forward and started singing a lullaby my mom used to sing. It was more music than worlds, almost like a loud hum. It wasn't complicated so my brother and Rodney joined in. When Jirachi didn't wake all the other Pokemon in the area joined in.

A large rock in the centre of the cave started to glow and rise into the air. We sang louder and louder. Jirachi finally showed itself and gracefully floated down to earth.

"What is going on?" It yawned in a childish voice. "Why am I awake?"

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