Chapter 4: Names

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I was troubled at the news from the other students who were talking about it as if it, at that moment, was an Earth-shattering event. As if they wouldn't move on and stop caring less than a week or month later. I wasn't fazed at first, it didn't hit me until later, what exactly I had done to him. Perhaps, if I met her sooner, everything from the beginning to the end could have been better.

The hazy dream I had regarding my life years ago, was interrupted by a blob jumping on my stomach. Right, I need sleep, unlike Rimuru, making him a sort of alarm clock. Now, because only the pack leader died, we have ninety-nine Direwolves to take care of and there's a chance things won't work out between them and the Goblins. So I got up, realized I was in the elder's house, and, while hungry, got ready with Rimuru to speak with the two groups.

"Do you mind if I take the lead on this one?" My slime friend asked.

"Not at all. You must have thought it over more while I was sleeping," I answered. "And thanks for bringing me in."

Rimuru jumped, "Not a problem, I know it's not much better than the hard ground, but it's something."

After my stomach growled, he brought out a spare piece of meat that was stored in his body. Leaving to gather everyone, we had the Goblins who were fit for battle gather with the Direwolves at the center of the village. Peaking from the homes, the children and elderly watched on as Rimuru and I stood in front of the mixed group with the elder and his son.

"So... guys," Rimuru started. "From this day on you'll be paired and working together."

I waited for more from him, and when it didn't come I looked over to the group and saw no reaction. None at all. No one complained at the idea and no one cheered. That, in its own way, is good. I think. Did Rimuru really think much about it after I went to sleep? Keeping to my word, I let him handle it.

"That means you'll be making a group of one goblin and one wolf. Make sure you get along," Rimuru added. Because he essentially told them to, the mixed group in front of us started to get along quickly. "Hmm, that's right they don't have names... F/N, how do you feel about giving names to them?"

"I'm for it. Honestly, it feels awkward not referring to others by name. Like talking with a person whose name you forgot and don't want to admit. That kind of awkward," I said, not noticing at first the attention we were now getting from the crowd.

"I-Is that really okay? For us to be giving such an honor..." The village elder trailed off.

"I don't see why not," I looked at Rimuru. "You want to split them in half?"

"Sounds perfect," Despite what Mr. Slime here said, it was not what I would call perfect.

Rimuru started with the chief and his son. Rigurd and Rigur respectively. Seeing no issue with it, except for the part where the elder lowered his head to the ground to thank Rimuru, I started naming some of the Goblins. While Rimuru started with the single ones and orphans, I began naming some of the families. Which, despite having [Mind Library], took a while.

I didn't want our naming conventions to diverge too greatly. So to avoid solely using Western or Eastern names, I did what Rimuru eventually started doing. Putting in nearly zero effort. So many, if not most of the names, ended up deriving from the word Goblin. However, even without the mental work, I started to slow down faster than him. This wasn't only because I was running out of names to give, but something started to feel lacking. What, I couldn't figure out at first.

"Lords, we have do not have the words to express our gratefulness, and while we do know that you both possess great magical energy, even so, to give so many names at once..." The elder, I mean Rigurd, said.

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