Chapter 19: Leaving

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It was the day after F/N left.

"What?! Lord F/N left?!" The one yelling their question was Shion, who was at the morning meeting between Rimuru and the others to discuss development plans.

"It's not like he won't return," Rimuru replied the sip the tea Shuna made. "Besides, he can take care of himself. He's not weak and he's not reckless. He'll probably stop by Dwargon for some relaxing time."

Benimaru visibly became conflicted hearing that, "Not that I disagree with you, however, from what I understand of him, I don't think Lord F/N could rest."

Rimuru looked confused, "Really? Did he say something to you?"

With a nod Benimaru continued, "It was the way he spoke before we returned from the marshlands. I don't think Lord F/N can rest until he recognizes himself or his strength."

"Hm," Rimuru thought, "So that's what has him bothered... That look he gave me last night makes sense now."

The slime muttered the last part, earning Shion's reply, "If he's bothered by it then we should show him that his strength is recognized."

"I don't think it's that simple," Shuna countered and looked at her brother, "I'm guessing it has to do with the Orc Lord, he can't defeat what was already slain by someone else."

Benimaru nodded, "I think that's why he took that blade with him, even though he isn't skilled at wielding it. It's a reminder." He looked to Rimuru who sighed and crossed his arms.

"We should really move on to the next topic, talking about him when he's already left and there's nothing we can do..." Rimuru trailed off into his thoughts, What I don't get either is, that [Striking Tempest] of his, it should have been the killing blow, [Great Sage] said as much. Is it the corruption?

Answer. The current evaluation of corruption leads to the conclusion that it may not be the cause of F/N's limitations. Other potential causes are unknown at this time.

Rimuru adjusted himself and drink more tea, "He'll be fine. There's nothing to worry about."

On the date when the mist appeared ahead of the city gates, where F/N stood and commanded Kaidou to order the people to stand against it, dangerous beasts appeared. Dozens poured out of the fog a flew directly for the gate. Erebus howled for the people's attention, using his biggest form to scare them into compliance as F/N stepped forward, the Disaster's Blade drawn.

Encounter. Army of the Abominations.

Those were the words he heard from the [Voice]. The abominations were unlike the horrid monsters from before, they were almost mistakable for griffins. Their bodies were of muscular lions whose fur had become a patchwork of raw flesh and retile scales. Their tails were that of either one or more snakes. Their skulls were partly transformed into that of a human's, however the traits of an eagle remained most pronounced. Especially when they screamed and extended their wings.

It scared all those present that could hear them. A sharp wail, like the cry of a banshee, suffering in great pain. F/N built up his charge, releasing his aura the further he became from the people. The number of beasts kept growing as if their numbers could block part of the sky. With great speed, F/N charged at the head of the pack, releasing [Ailment Mist] as he cut them down and swung into the next one.

His mist would become part of a wall to stop them from advancing. A legion of Erebus' [Shadow Wolves] leaped over and around the mist as F/N made his way further through the army of corrupted griffons. His plan was simple and rather destructive. A storm began to center around him, the sky darkened as lightning crackled in the air.

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