Chapter 23: Tempest & Gazel

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With a long tired yawn, I woke up to a human-sized Aruru sitting beside my bed with Ramiris floating around, and she was not one bit happy. Aruru managed to evolve into a spirit grandee. To which Ramiris' exact words were, 'I can't believe this', followed by many, many rants about the natural order of spirits and the vessel she gave Aruru. And finally, she explained the most important thing regarding spirits: When Ramiris is in her immature form, all spirit grandees become grand spirits until her power is restored.

Spirit grandees require a vast amount of magicules to come into being, meaning only a few exist at one time, and usually they 'release' their magicules into the spiritual world, which is connected to the Dwelling. Over time, the magicules slowly pour into Ramiris to help restore her power, so long as she stays in said Dwelling. Otherwise, the magicules simply pour out into the world.

In this case, an outside factor changed things and there is nothing Ramiris can do about it. Aruru clearly stated that they understood the implications and swore to break the contract with me instantly if Ramiris required Aruru's power. I didn't oppose where Aruru placed their loyalty first, it wasn't as though I planned to attack or oppose the spirits or Ramiris.

Therefore the matter was long settled before I woke up, I apparently slept for five days. Ramiris simply wanted to complain because of how outlandish the event of a spirit grandee appearing is. Not that she would have many more chances to yell at me for long. After dying and feeling drained more than the last time I named a monster, I felt the need to go somewhere I could relax. And when I say drained, I mean I could eat a mountain of food and use another five days of sleep.

Sure, there was my house in Dwargon, but my feelings brought me to think about the Jura Forest. Roughly speaking, it is nearing three months since Erebus and I left Rimuru and the others. No one has tried reaching out, so I can only assume that they have been doing fine or have been completely destroyed without a trace. With Rimuru in the picture, that second one is unlikely.

On top of that, Rigurd will probably want to throw a party when I return, that means a lot of food, after which I can try to sleep longer. Early the next day after the third day of training [Spirit Magic] with Aruru and learning their strength, I decided it was time to return to Jura.

"Erebus," I called him as I put on the broken armor and gathered my items, "How do you feel about heading back to the Jura Forest?"

Erebus jumped into the room, excited by the question, "Are we going soon?! I'm sure the others will be glad to see you alive and well! But... I have to guard this place."

"I'll talk to Ramiris about that," I turned to Aruru.

"Where you go, I go," Was all Aruru said.

"Then I guess that settles it. Now to break the news to her," I tied the bundled items on top of Erebus and walked to the side room Ramiris created to work on her golem. "Ramiris," I called as I entered.

What is it? It's not time to train today... I think, She said through [Telepathy] while messing with the new golem core, the previous one she was working on was given to Aruru as a host. I'm kind of in the middle of something delicate, can it wait?

"I'm leaving," I stated clearly, though a bit too vague.

Come back in another hour, I should be done, She said.

"No, I mean I'm leaving the Dwelling, I came to thank you for your hospitality," Despite attacking me with that golem. I thought the last part to myself.

Ramiris stopped what she was doing and floated over to me, "I guess you were going to leave eventually." She sighed heavily, "Bringing trouble with you then leaving when you have everything you want, I'd say I've been more than hospitable."

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