Chapter 7: Ask & Hear The Answer

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It is the third day since Rimuru's group left and all has gone by relatively peacefully. Erebus and I have spent some more time training together, letting some of the other wolves join in or watch from the sides with the villagers who came nearby the river yesterday. The children were especially interested and were a part of why neither Erebus nor I got serious, in case an attack accidentally went off in their direction. However, all good things must change at some point and it was on this third day that I decided to leave one village to go back to another. The Ogres.

Whether or not the village would be safe is going to come down to Erebus, Rigurd, and the others that are capable of fighting. It isn't that I don't believe in their ability to defend themselves, more that I'd prefer if things were more stable. The construction group, while unskilled enough to make better shelter, have been doing their best to improve on their own with little progress. I had tasked them with taking the trees I felled and using them to create a temporary 'stronger' fence around the area. On their own, they weren't even finished with the first part by the end of the day. They were stronger than before, but strength cannot compensate for a lack of knowledge or skill. On top of that, their bodies could use more strength and food. Another thing that needed to be taken into account.

At the moment, there are no ways to store and preserve food long-term, given the lack of a secure storage room. Meaning if there's a bad day of hunting and or gathering, the supply of food will begin to diminish, and then there's winter to take into account. However, if the Ogres can be convinced to work with the village on a trade agreement, we will not only secure a supply of food, possibly in exchange for raw resources, we will also have the chance to make friendly ties with other strong monsters. Because if the Ogres are willing to do such a thing, surely others will notice and possibly take an interest. That's all dependent on the Ogres and if other monsters of the forest even care.

I didn't prepare to take anything with me other than the clothes on my back, making Erebus depressed. He was rather spoiled during our training, during which we played around more than trained. But he knew that I both needed and wanted him to watch over the others. Rigurd, in contrast, wished me nothing but a safe journey with little worry.

"I'm somewhat surprised you don't seem disheartened," I said to him.

Rigurd laughed lightly, "I really am worried to see you go, even knowing if it's you there's nothing to be worried about. In fact, I'm sure you can face the entire Ogre village in the worse case."

"Hey hey, I'm not looking to pick any fights," I corrected him.

"Yes, I'm sorry if it sounded as if I was belittling the Ogres, but that is how strong I perceive you to be," Rigurd said without skipping a word. "I wish we could do more for you both besides worry."

"I agree with him," Erebus added, "I know you held back in training for my sake, but I know your real power is leagues above the Ogres."

I muttered, "All the good that did against that seal."

"Sorry?" Erebus asked.

I waved it off, "Nothing. Back to the trip, I'll be heading straight east from here. Depending on how off I am from the village, you should be hearing from me in the next few days. I'll probably stay there a while after Rimuru gets back too."

"Understood," Rigurd said, "We'll be awaiting your return, and with Lord Rimuru we can all celebrate the results together!" Optimistic, he is.

Rather, I'm sure everyone wants to eat and drink more after the naming, evolving, and now the cooperation between the Goblins, the Direwolves, and potentially the Ogres and Dwarves will go in the future. Perhaps I should hunt something big down on my way back for them, and ask the Ogres for some of their crops.

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