Chapter 10: A Needed Talk

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It was peaceful. I've found myself in that submerged space of water ever since it first started to appear in my dreams. There's a shade there, however, that's slowly covering my vision of the surface light. Back on Earth, I heard that dreams are supposed to have meanings. I'm certainly not scared of water, so it can't be a dream of fear. Granted, getting pulled under the waves and then drowning was pretty horrifying. It could be resentment. That storm and ocean did take everything from me. It's a stupid idea. I'm not that old man from that one book that sought revenge against a stupid whale. What was it called again? If I could access [Mind Library] from here I'd remember.

Maybe I should have asked [Great Sage] what this place is. I certainly have a lot of questions for it and Rimuru. Rimuru... How do I approach him? Hey, your skill crippled most of my skills and while I swear I'm not mad if you don't fix it in the next five minutes, well... splat! Kidding, I'm kidding. I'm not angry and that violent. Well, that last part isn't true. But right now I'm too at peace in here to be mad. Strange, I swear I'm not acting like myself. Maybe I should ask the real question, who am I anymore?

Mm? Is that Erebus in the distance? I didn't notice him there before. He must have just appeared, but how did he even get here? Right, I don't know what this place is so there's a chance he just appeared. It looks like he's trying to say something to me. You've got to speak louder than that! I can barely hear a thing in this place! Wait, is hearing the right word? Doesn't matter, he looks troubled. Something must have happened outside for him to be appearing here. Come on. Wake up! Let's see what's going on! Erebus was getting closer now and his words barely managed to reach me.

"Master, hold on!" What's he talking about? "I'll bring you to help right away!"

Did something happen to me while sleeping? Don't tell me the orcs actually found my body. Wait, there'd be nothing left of me if they did. Never mind. I need to ask him what happened. It's time to wake up now! I tried to shake my body as the mirror me had done before. I was able to open my eyes and feel Erebus beneath me, carrying me through the forest with vines tying me to him. I tried to speak, but my body wouldn't listen. It was completely numb.

Warning. Corruption has reached 55%. Several abnormalities detected throughout Nucleic Heart and body. Notice. Leftover data from last use of Great Sage suggest magic capacity has fallen close to 18%

What's causing it?

Notice. Skill Darkness X is currently active. Would you like to deactivate-

Yes! For the love of god, yes! Obviously, deactivate it!

Notice. Darkness X has been deactivated.

What's wrong with my body? Why won't it move?

Notice. Skill Paralyzing Touch has been corrupted, its effect is now being constantly applied to the user. Paralysis Resistance has failed to stop the effect over 1,000 times since skill corrupted.

Can't it evolve into Paralysis Nullification? Surely my body has withstood it long enough.

Notice. Priority was given to effects endangering the soul. Effects endangering the body were deemed secondary. Now attempting to evolve Paralysis Resistance into Paralysis Nullification. Fail. Reattempting. Fail. Reattempting. Success. Paralysis Resistance as evolved into Paralysis Nullification. Effects of corrupted skill Paralyzing Touch are no longer in effect.

"Erebus," I spoke, the big guy continued running.

"Master! Do not worry, we'll reach Rimuru soon and there we can get you medicine-" He said before I cut him off.

"Stop," I told him and so he did. "And I thought I told you, it's F/N."

"Yes..." Erebus said as I tried to get off him, staggering in the process while untangling the vines. "Please, do not push yourself. The dryads said your body has lost a great deal of magic energy."

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