Chapter 24: Short Side Love Story

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The next day, after King Gazel left and the treaty was signed, I woke up for the first time in my new house. Rimuru the night before suggested I stop by the bathhouse and relax in the hot water that surprisingly relaxed me enough to tire me. My home had more of a small medieval European manor, similar to the ones in the western nations of this world, in contrast to Rimuru's home, a more traditional Japanese home. Because of the conflicting designs, they were built in different areas of the city, however, the town hall was equal distance to both.

I offered Aruru one of the spare rooms, which was declined. Aruru instead decided to return to the spiritual world temporarily until needed. That meant this next day I woke up alone for the first time in a while, having gone used to seeing at least Erebus beside me or in my room. Slowly getting dressed in new clothes Shuna had prepared for me during my trip, I considered my plan for the day. The first matter would be breakfast, after that, I wasn't sure.

Sure, I could see how Kurobe and Kaijin are doing with the Disaster's Blade or train under Hakurou, but neither option appealed to me. Lost in thought for too long, the vegetables I had been cooking started to burn. That's when I considered the challenge of a lifetime. Teaching Shion how to cook.

At first, I didn't laugh at the idea, I thought of it more as difficult as that meant telling her the truth in the process. I know the truth is often what is needed, and I didn't plan to follow my own advice at first. Once I had made and finished breakfast, I took a walk through the street and eventually the schoolhouse. My eyes, sharp as they could be at times, noticed something off. A young hobgoblin man standing behind a tree watching the school teacher from afar as she cleaned the windows.

Curious, I approached him from behind, "What are you doing?"

Scared out of his pants, he had to cover his mouth as not to scream, "L-L-Lord Tempest- F/N, I wasn't doing anything." His panicked voice betrayed him.

"Either you walk with me and tell me what's up, or I drag you to the guard station and it becomes stalking," A threat hinting undertone from me cracked him easily.

"I'm sorry," The young hobgoblin said as we walked away from the school, "I... didn't wish to bother you or Lord Rimuru, or anyone. I wasn't trying to stalk anyone, I promise."

I could tell he meant that and was being truthful, so I went easier on him, "Relax." I patted him on the back, "Let me guess, you have a crush on the teacher?"

My remark caused him to turn away with a blush, "I d-do. But I'm afraid I haven't confessed. I can't confess... She'll probably laugh at me." He held out his thin arms to indicate his weakness compared to other hobgoblins.

"She probably could snap you like a twig," My comment was heard by a nearby annoyance.

"Lord F/N?" Gobta turned around from a nearby stall with his normal band of companions. "When did you get back and?"

"You're telling me you didn't notice the release of magicules the other day, like everyone else? Or that you missed the signing?" I questioned, making him uncomfortable.

"Uh... I was out hunting! Right, me and the others were out hunting yesterday," His lie was obvious, even the others didn't try to agree. "Anyway, what's this about a girl?"

"Of all the things to ask about..." I combed my fingers through my hair, "If you must know this guy here needs love advice and asked me for it."

"Wait, no I-" The young hobgoblin was cut off by Gobta who hurried up against him.

With a grin of interest, Gobta dug deeper, "Why don't you ask the number one expert on love here? Tell me, who is she? Is it that new lizardman girl? Or maybe Shuna?"

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